Sunday, May 25, 2008♥
ytd .
got INTENSIVE diarrhea and vomiting for the whole day .
lols.... i noe quite a long word to use .. nvm ..
today .
went for chinese remedial with mdm zhou . yiwei and sihao
very funny .. wan any funny stuff then go yiwei's blog
on the way back .
saw the charity show for the sichuan disaster..
saw the part whr they singing "tong hua"
its reali very very touching ..
suddenly tot of smth ..
when some ppl are complaining tat things are they are not havin gd life .
many ppl in other parts of the world are suffering.
many ppl are always not happy with what they haf .
they always focus on what they dun haf .
but look ..
those ppl in sichuan are suffering .
they lost their families . their houses . everything ..
thou some ppl are jus not happy with wad they haf .
i reali very "pei fu" those who went to help the ppl in sichuan
may it be in healthcare , in the rescue actions , in donating or any small aspects
any small aspects as long as it comes from the heart ..
it matters ALOT ..
hope tat everything will go well for them in the future .. (=
smile with me at 10:12:00 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008♥
from 8plus am to 6pm
very tired . lazy to tell u all wad happen .
let the pics do the talkin !

jus look at how hardworkin we are
we are havin a war with chinese ! haha

we became quite bored a while lata ..
and smth happened ............
tis is the BEFORE

tis is the AFTER !
its added with sweets and choco (=
qy's new creation !

guess wads tis ?

i was tryin to rub tis thing as thou its a bald head (=
anyways ..
i've got smth stupid to say
neoYIwei has a fren called neoERwei
ERwei has a fren called neoSANwei
SANwei has a fren called chuaSIhao
SIhao has a fren called WUqianying
WUqianying has a fren called LIUshichia
LIUshichia has a fren called QIlong
QIlong has a fren called EIGHT(gek)hwee (=
EIGHT(gek)hwee has a fren called
JIU(jo)ni (=
still tinkin . HAHAHAHA
smile with me at 7:48:00 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008♥
ppl ..
i have shifted ..
relink me !
http://whatqyhastosay.blogspot.comCYA THERE ! BYES
smile with me at 11:23:00 PM
ppl . as u can see .. my blog lyk suddenly short of posts .
cuz i pressed something wrongly .
and poof~!
it became lyk shit .
so i recreated the whole damn thing .
dangs~! soooo nice hors ? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
so tis teaches everyone a lesson ..
NEVER mess with ur blog (=
smile with me at 10:25:00 PM
whr were u when i needed u the more ?
chinese is lyk on monday ?!
=.= and when i say chinese .
i meant chinese O lvl !
okae . enough of madness (=
anyways .. today aft sch went for physics remedial .
followed by go the sec 1s thr to see them try to "make" their uniform
followed by go dawson with yiying they all
followed by going to cgs with yiying
followed by going to redhill with yiying
followed by going home (=
yiying , ty sooo much for listening to my grumbles at the bus stop .
i reali sort of trust u more than some ppl ..
but pls la .. LAUGH at my jokes pls .
HAHAHA .. reali thank you soooo much .
i noe u gonna say i auntie or act touching .
but i m serious tis time okae !
all da best for ur NCO life (=
jj , ty so much for these two days de dnt cum sharing session .
thanks for being such a gd listener .
i noe u wont read tis .
but jus wan to thank u soooo much !
jus to tell u .. i m oso a great listener (=
okae la . bye for now peeps (=
smile with me at 10:17:00 PM

even hotter when he is wearin specs !!
zomg~! i jus lyk guys wearin specs la ...
i mean CERTAIN guys .. (=
these 2 pics brightened my extremely low mood (=
i mean it !!!!!!
anyways .. for ppl who dun lyk him ..
jus skip tis post la huh ..
no criticism will be entertained .

ppl !!! aint he hot ?!
omg la .. soooooo nice ..
anyways .. credits to whoever is affected (=
i jus cant resist the temptation to show ppl tis pic ..
for dumbos who dunno who he is ..
he is lyk one of the few top magicians in the world
he is damn damn damn pro !
anyways .. his name is 刘谦 (=
smile with me at 10:11:00 PM
ytd (=
today was okae okae la ..
gd news : dun nid meet the parent (=
but ! it does not mean tat i got gd grades okae ..
bad news : alot alot !
top bad thing tat happened : ushoutedatme not tryin to whine or wad ..
but its reali the top among those bad things tat happened ..
fren arhs ..... talk slowly . i will hear it eventually ..
dun shout le okae ?
u are suppose to be mr kind u noe ? =D
kaes larhs ... u oso lyk "apologise" ..
i forgive u !!! (= okae la ... nid go chiong studies le (=
smile with me at 10:09:00 PM
tis post is gonna be darn emo ..
ppl who dun lyk emo stuff ..
u all shud noe wad to do (=
the red box with a "x" is always thr for u .
damn alot of sad things happen tis week ..
some jia li de shi .. (translate urself . dun be lazy)
then studies .
why didnt i work harder durin sec 3 ..
now panick lyk shit oso no use .
then some personal probs .. eff it man ..
i reali dun wish to trouble anyone with my troubles ..
=.= wad m i typin .
zzzzzz but i reali dunno how the hell m i gonna vent all these ?
jj said i looked lyk i have no worries cuz i laugh and smile everyday .
haha .. how true is tat ?
i dunno ...
sry ppl if i haf been very bad to u guys..
moodswings are uncontrollable .
DANGS ... excuses .. wadeva la ..
enuff of emo stuff .
sry to ppl who read tis .
smile with me at 10:06:00 PM
this one is few days ago de (=
replies to taggs (=
leong ;;
yeah . ty very muchhy !!
u oso ! gd luck for ur "swimming" yr .
HAHAS . swimming = streaming
gek ;;
yeahh . i m okae (=
tot thru it lo . since she wan lyk tat then so be it hahs .
ty very much ! eh eh eh . lata is i make u EVOLVE arhs !
alex ;;
thanks ! (=
if u dun get caught by teacher again for hair check .
tats alrdy gd enuff le . HAHAHAS .
all 3 of u got caught ..
so funny la .
anyways . ty for the MORAL support
not MENTAL !
hahas .. u wan go mental hospital ?
jon ;;
yeahh . i noe tat (=
my 3 sons always support me de ma (=
hahas .. ty soooooooo muchh !!
study hard okae !
cut ur hair regularly arhs ..
dun get caught again .
ytd went to some "hiking" with simon . norman . jinhao . isaac
can say is kanna cheated lors ..
they say wan walk the dunno wad bridge .
in the end from harbourfront walk walk walk .
then walk to pasir panjang lols ..
quite fun la .
we went to the bukit chandu .
looked at those displays .
watched one short show abt the war at bukit chandu DAMN SCARY .
inside sooo dark . the sound effect damn loud .
sry arh
simon (=
hope no injury inflicted on .
HAHAHAHA damn fun but oso damn tiring ..
ty for the day sooo well spent (=
*wanted to post one photo of norman on the bus one ..
but decided not to .
orelse ... he might murder me .
smile with me at 10:02:00 PM
why are u always not there when i needed u the most ?
chinese is lyk on monday ?! =.=
and when i say chinese . i meant chinese O lvl !
okae . enough of madness (=
anyways .. today aft sch went for physics remedial .
followed by go the sec 1s thr to see them try to "make" their uniform
followed by go dawson with yiying they all
followed by going to cgs with yiying
followed by going to redhill with yiying
followed by going home (=
yiying , ty sooo much for listening to my grumbles at the bus stop .
i reali sort of trust u more than some ppl ..
but pls la .. LAUGH at my jokes pls .
reali thank you soooo much .
i noe u gonna say i auntie or act touching .
but i m serious tis time okae !
all da best for ur NCO life (=
jj , ty so much for these two days de dnt cum sharing session .
thanks for being such a gd listener .
i noe u wont read tis .
but jus wan to thank u soooo much !
jus to tell u ..
i m oso a great listener (=
okae la . bye for now peeps (=
smile with me at 8:14:00 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008♥

even hotter when he is wearin specs !!
zomg~! i jus lyk guys wearin specs la ...
i mean CERTAIN guys ..
(= these 2 pics brightened my extremely low mood (=
i mean it !!!!!!
anyways .. for ppl who dun lyk him ..
jus skip tis post la huh ..
no criticism will be entertained .

ppl !!! aint he hot ?! omg la .. soooooo nice ..
anyways .. credits to whoever is affected (=
i jus cant resist the temptation to show ppl tis pic ..
for dumbos who dunno who he is ..
he is lyk one of the few top magicians in the world !
he is damn damn damn pro !
anyways .. his name is 刘谦 (=
smile with me at 8:53:00 PM
today was okae okae la ..
gd news : dun nid meet the parent (=
but !
it does not mean tat i got gd grades okae ..
bad news : alot alot !
top bad thing tat happened :
not tryin to whine or wad ..
but its reali the top among those bad things tat happened ..
fren arhs ..... talk slowly .
i will hear it eventually ..
dun shout le okae ?
u are suppose to be mr kind u noe ? =D
kaes larhs ... u oso lyk "apologise" ..
i forgive u !!! (=
okae la ... nid go chiong studies le (=
smile with me at 7:46:00 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008♥
tis post is gonna be darn emo ..
ppl who dun lyk emo stuff ..
u all shud noe wad to do (=
red box with a "
x" is always thr for u .
damn alot of sad things happen tis week ..
some jia li de shi .. (translate urself . dun be lazy)
then studies .
why didnt i work harder durin sec 3 ..
now panick lyk shit oso no use .
then some personal probs ..
eff it man ..
i reali dun wish to trouble anyone with my troubles .. =.=
wad m i typin . zzzzzz
but i reali dunno how the hell m i gonna vent all these ?
jj said i looked lyk i have no worries cuz i laugh and smile everyday .
haha .. how true is tat ?
i dunno ...
sry ppl if i haf been very bad to u guys..
moodswings are uncontrollable .
excuses ..
wadeva la .. enuff of emo stuff .
sry to ppl who read tis .
i didnt want to be such an emo kia .
but no whr to tell tis to ..
smile with me at 5:33:00 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008♥
replies to taggs (=
leong ;;
yeah . ty very muchhy !!
u oso ! gd luck for ur "swimming" yr . HAHAS .
swimming = streaming
gek ;;
yeahh . i m okae (=
tot thru it lo . since she wan lyk tat then so be it
hahs . ty very much !
eh eh eh . lata is i make u EVOLVE arhs ! hahas
alex ;;thanks ! (=
if u dun get caught by teacher again for hair check .
tats alrdy gd enuff le .
all 3 of u got caught ..
so funny la .
anyways . ty for the MORAL support
not MENTAL !
hahas .. u wan go mental hospital ?
jon ;;
yeahh . i noe tat (=
my 3 sons always support me de ma (=
hahas .. ty soooooooo muchh !!
study hard okae !
cut ur hair regularly arhs ..
dun get caught again .
ytd went to some "hiking" with simon . norman . jinhao . isaac
can say is kanna cheated lors ..
they say wan walk the dunno wad bridge .
in the end from harbourfront walk walk walk .
then walk to pasir panjang
lols .. quite fun la .
we went to the bukit chandu .
looked at those displays .
watched one short show abt the war at bukit chandu
inside sooo dark . the sound effect damn loud .
sry arh
simon (= hope no injury inflicted on . HAHAHAHA
damn fun but oso damn tiring ..
ty for the day sooo well spent (=
*wanted to post one photo of norman on the bus one ..
but decided not to .
orelse ... he might murder me . HAHAHA
smile with me at 3:17:00 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008♥
cont. of the A story la huh .
ya .. guess wad ?
i WENT to her blog and see .
guess wad i saw ?
HA .
wad a REAL fren she was la huh ..
when C was ignorin her .
wad she do ?
TONS and TONS of EMO post .
me lehs ?
"letting go of the friendship that wasnt meant to be mine"
she wrote me a letter .
but wads inside ?
ELABORATED detail of wad i CAN SEE from her blog
she can say sry to SO MANY PPL .
but wad abt me ?
NTH ..
the last two sentences of her letter is the BEST
" if u wan to cont. to misunderstand me its okae at least i TRIED to explain . i reali did . "
ya ... lyk who in the RIGHT mind will go and forgive her when she write tat ?
i oso can say at least i TRIED to try to forgive her . i reali did .
if not wads with the sudden change in attitude when i was in seoul garden .
but when i read her letter + blog .
i reali GIVE UP .
she can tell the whole world tat i m the one who is being a slut .
i dun eff-ing give a damn to her and her GUYS ...
why shud i even bother if she treats me as wad .
she say she dun wan to intrude into the friendship between me and gek
she say she dun fit into our lyk friendship .
but pls la ..
if i reali of all means wan to outcast her .
wud i eff-ing call her for breakfast tat day ?!
i treated her as one of my closest fren
yet tis is the disappointment tat i receive .
i may be very harsh in wad i say in class ..
but do u ever tink ..
WAD caused my change in attitude towards u .
u closer to C so ?
does tat even give u a slightest right to do tis to me ?
i DOUBT so ..
i reali cannot find any word to describe how i feel now .
even if the breakfast thing is not ur fault .
then wads the "treatin qianying transparent" thing abt ?
forget it .. wadeva i say oso my fault .
ya ya ya .
everything my fault .
i outcast u . i dun wan talk to u .
everything oso me ..
happy ? =.=
since u feel tat thrs a nid to let go of our friendship .
then i will then not give a shit to how u care anymore
i dun care if u read tis or not .
cuz i m only replyin to ur letter and ur blog post .
u may not feel a thing to lose me as a fren .
but dun assume i wont ..
tis will be the last post abt u .
since tats the end of our friendship....
smile with me at 7:08:00 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008♥
today was a rather chaotic day ..
lols .. dun wan talk much abt tat .
talk abt my journey back .
took bus 961 back ..
1st thing to say : WHR ARE UR MANNERS PPL ?
i not tryin to say i got la huh .
but u all cant even say : excuse me , thank you , sorry
squeeze lyk thrs no tml for u ?
lols ..
okae .. i will lyk to apologize to the uncle that i kp steppin his feet de
hahahahhahahaha ..
i m startin to enjoy bus trips (=
ALOT of fun things happen thr .
got one is secret (=
cannot blog abt it here
wan to noe arhs ?
ask me lors ! hahahaha
[ 你说过牵了手就算约定 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 ]
[ 我不爱你了。 甚至真心祝你幸福 ]
[ 没有你的日子里 我会更珍惜自己 ]
smile with me at 10:12:00 PM
Friday, May 09, 2008♥
tis few days kp going out with the usuals (=
its nice ..
i swear !
hahahs ..
today i blog abt one thing only ...
i very angry abt tat ..
ytd i sms A and ask whether wan go out or not .
then A replied sayin wan to call someone else go .
then i m fine with it la
but then lata lyk arnd night time or lata .
A sms me tell me maybe not going .
cuz C haven tell A if going or not ..
i damn pissed la ..
i m thinkin :
SO WAD IF C NV GO ?cant u jus go with us ?!
nowadays u and C close back liao then ps us
i oso nv say anything liao lors .
tat time C tat silent period u come and find us
i nvm lors ..
i feel frens shud pei one another wad .
but now ?!
wad is tis la ..
u and C got talk liao then tis is wad happen ?!
so C is more impt than us la ?
zzzzzzz ....
forget it ...
HAPPY GOING OUT WITH THEM LA HUH ..if u ask me if i m angry...
i will say i m more of DISAPPOINTED and SAD
smile with me at 6:47:00 PM
Friday, May 02, 2008♥
today was ss and chi paper .
ss for the essay i forgot one factor for [a]
resulting in the WASTE of time in tinkin abt it ..
i not enuff time do ..
then anyhow bomb answers for it .
chi worse ..
i repeated history AGAIN ..
last yr's end of yr i wrote 2 essays .
tis yr i oso wrote 2 essays .
why everything i nv tink properly then go write le
in the end write till stuck then change to another essay !
damn ......................
lols ..
anyways . i found my wallet ..
not as in found .
is huisi found it then pass to GO ..
ehh ehh . tsk tsk .
nx time find my wallet can pass to me directly ?
and tell me ..
cuz u didnt and is kelly came to tell me ..
LOLS .. i cancelled my cards ... DANGS ..
nvm . ty anyways .
went library with laopo and ah phui today .
ate brownies with ice cream .
damn sia .
i m NOT gonna eat it alone again .
nx time they order i KOP (=
i seriously cant finish all ..
*for ppl who dunno .. I DUN TAKE SWEET STUFFS !
went study then slack ..
aft tat ah phui left .
me and gek were lyk jokin abt mushrooms.
then change to mushmoms .
then many many funny things came out .
LOLS .. wan to noe full story then come ask me
100% guaranteed FUNNY
anyways ... 13th may will be the seoul garden day !
hiaks (=
our deal hors ? *winks*
aft tat went ljs to eat .
then laopo bring me to the 40th storey de buildin .
i tink she tryin to murder me .
she scare me lors .
hors ? (=
thanks for the FUNNY MUSHMOM DAY today (=
laopo is love (=
smile with me at 9:40:00 PM
Thursday, May 01, 2008♥
ytd was damn bloodddddddddyyyyyyyyyy UNLUCKY ..
went to dawson de toilet then left my wallet thr ..
guess wad ?
some stupid bitch took it away ..
inside oso not much money ..
thx laopo and yiwei who cheer me up .
aft tat went to tiong to report lost of atm card .
at bus stop wait for bus tat time saw yc and jon [ my 2 "er zi ]
hahas .. they joked and joked and joked .
especially yc and jeric ..
hahas . thx alot alot (=
then saw luuuuu oso !
hahas .
aft reportin lost . i went to qt library to find laopo and yiwei ..
all the way at thr till 8 smth (=
then went home .
to alex;
THANKS ! how u noe i lost my wallet de ? hahas . ty SOOO MUCH . (=
jiayou for mid yr !
to jon;
THANKS ! hahas . tyyyyyyyyy (= jia you for mid yr !
to lu;
THANKS !! YEAH YEAH .. but its the wallet u all gave me .
abit heartpain .. AWWW
smile with me at 8:12:00 PM