Saturday, January 31, 2009♥
i seriously think that God has been really very nice to me recently .
1. i had gd O's results ( i'm not those smart students but yet i got such results )
2. i got into the course i want ( psychology and community services )
3. my mother bought me what i wanted ( a $43.90 game )
4. clique is celebrating my b'day(:
i really thank Him a lot .
i really wonder if i'm actually using up all my luck this year .
i hope not :X
imadeadealthatifigetintothiscourseiwouldforgetaboutyouandworkhardinstudiesiguessi'llhavetogiveuponyougoodbyetoyouandHELLO TO NGEE ANN POLY (PSYCHOLOGY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES )time to work hard !!! ;DDD
yes,it may hurt badly now .
but i believe i am able to do it (:
For , i'm gohqianying .
smile with me at 11:57:00 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009♥
i'm so bored/angry with myself .
i feel so zzzzzz trying to remind him abt the promises .
so throw face la .
btw , clique is planning something on my b'day .
but they're not telling me anything .
i don't like to be kept in suspense !
it feels so roarrrr
but nvm .
i'm happy at least they bothered about it ;DD
sorry ppl ...
i still can't find the damn cable .
i tink it went to bai nian with other cables .
photos would be delayed !
smile with me at 12:51:00 AM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009♥
if there's one more chance for me to end it ,
i wouldn't end it this way .
i wouldn't even wanna end it .
it hurts to leave .
smile with me at 2:17:00 AM
Monday, January 26, 2009♥
it hurts badly inside):what a wonderful cny gift ?i couldn't smile at all .i hate 2009's cny evei dun hate you ,but u're really a sucker for doing sucha thing .can someone just erase my memory .i wanna forget everything about you .dun make me rmb any good point about u .i'm not sure if i'm able to forget u completely .but one thing for sure ,you walked out of my life .u left me feeling like a complete retard .i almost broke down ,but thank god , i'm still rationale enough not to do so .should i thank you for the wonderful memories or hate u for them ?i nv expect that we would end this way ..perhaps , giving up on ak is the worst decision ever made .i shall not believe in him anymore .never ..i really want to talk to someone about this ,but i can't ..why must he treat me this way when he don't mean it?don't he know how to weigh his actions .fuck .i really feel like crying now .qy must be strong .qy must not cry for him .not on cny at least .happy cny everyone !!!i've got tons of photos to upload .
but i can't find my bloody cable again .
lols .
shall upload them when it decides to appear (:
tml's bai nian day !!!!!!!!!!
i'm so so so so so so so excited !
wadever =.=
fake laughters ....
smile with me at 4:51:00 AM
Sunday, January 25, 2009♥
it's cny eve tml (:
looking forward to seeing all my cousins ;DD
seems like someone is hating cny *erhem*
hahas .
i am soooo boreddd
am i someone who's difficult to entertain ?
lols .
i guess so .
cuz i'm always bored .
actually , these are all crap.
i'm just trying to make my post look longer .
smile with me at 2:54:00 AM
Saturday, January 24, 2009♥
just watched love matters .
rate it 2 out of 5 .
the advertisment was no doubt a nice one .
but the movie is boring ..
quite bad , seriously .
oh oh ,
did i mention about the failure outing today ?
i shan't comment any further.
lesson learnt ..
a big big thank you to twin and dom
for the companion while waiting for my mum .
greatly appreciated ! ;DD
we crapped the whole time at the weird place which has a bbq smell all the time .
it was fun , though .
cny is coming .
i'm sooooo sooo sooo sooo happy ;DD
smile with me at 2:48:00 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2009♥
i'm so disappointed ):
i thought there's some cny celebration in qtss this friday .
but it's gonna be some
crappy sports thingy .
damn !
i've got so much i wanna say out .but there seems like no one for me to pour all these stuff out .my shoulders are so heavy .holding on to so much burdens many a times i just wanna throw these burdens ,and lead back my carefree life .how much rest also not enough ..zzzzzz .
i-don't-like-emo-post =.=
cny is coming !!!!!
i'm so damn happy .
except that i'll have to meet her . =.=
damn .
don't spoil my cny please laaaaaaaaa
shopping tml (:
you finally came online ;DDDbut all i did was to stare at your msn nick like a retard ):how often will you come online ..damnimissyou):
smile with me at 10:11:00 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009♥
some photos on ytd's playground trip ;DDDDDDD

we played from evening till ..........


can you believe it ?
i did on my camera's flash ,
but the 2 night photos still appeared to be sooo dark .
smile with me at 4:33:00 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009♥
had a crazy crazy day today .
had chinese tuition for that siao eh .
after 1 1/2 hours of battling with chinese ,
we went to kopitiam to eat .
after which we went to jalan jalan .
( my house add : jalan ***** . does it mean 'walk ******' ? o.O )
we went into comics connection when this damn funny/disgusting thing happened
we went to the poster side of comics connection .
and suddenly ,
there's this pungent ..
blardy hell ,
a guy let off methane there and walked away .
damn , it stinks badly !
we walked real fast out of the place
and the moment i stepped out of comics connection ,
i broke out into LOUD laughters .
it was really blardy funny/disgusting .
i laughed till i squat down .
that was how funny it was .
we went to tiong park to play .
wahahhahaa .
deprived childhood ;DDD
we laughed like some mad idiots ( or is it me only ? )
so damn funny .
omg . today was really nice .
i swear (:
smile with me at 11:49:00 PM
changed my blogskin ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nicer than my previous one ,
because it's not pink (:
( i hate pink like how i hate ******* )
dun bother guessing who ,
just some random *** .
but it looks different in IE than in FF .
i miss
笨笨 ):
but he says meet-up after cny week .
i miss da-insane too .
but we'll be playing badminton this week
笨笨 not coming .
ugh , whatever (:
smile with me at 4:01:00 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009♥
and so now ,
i don't even have the freedom to blog
smile with me at 11:51:00 PM
ok ..
i slept my whole afternoon away .
ytd's ATF was ok ...
not much to do .
except for the carrying of water/food and looking at qtss sec 4/5
the end .
the dinner was ...
a bit waste of money due to my bad headache .
no appetite to eat .
and i dunno how to cook .
ohohoh ,
did i mention that zhaowei and yonghwee came on friday ?
omg ..
i miss them sooooooo much ):
is lying one of ur forte ?
sucker .tothinkthationcefeltthatuwerenice .
smile with me at 9:12:00 PM
Saturday, January 17, 2009♥
my initial thought was to talk about ATF and the CIs' steamboat 'gathering'
on second thought ,
i've decided not to .
cuz i'm having this bad headache that's not going away .
i'm frowning while typing this .
and i'm having the i-feel-like-vomiting feeling .
so , everything would be left till tml .
so stay tune ! =.=
smile with me at 11:50:00 PM
today (friday , 16 jan 09 )
training was ______________________________
whatever u guys think it is then it is lors .
tml's ATF ;DDD
woots ~~!
so happy for what ?
i also not playing =.=
urm .
i hereby declare that yy's blog is irritating me badly .
wanna comment only must type the dunno wad , email and pw .
i shan't go her blog anymore !
ahahhaa .
yy , i know u'll cry when u see this ^^
oh , did i mention that i'll be seeing her on sat and on sun and on mon ?!
5days continuously . (including thurs + fri)
yes ppl , i'm complaining .
i sound so evil in this post .
this is so not-me !
damn , i'm suppose to sound polite , kind , understanding and everything nice .
trust me ppl ... o.O
smile with me at 12:31:00 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009♥
here to share a gd news with everyone (:
i , gohqianying , have finally submitted my jae application !
like f-i-n-a-l-l-y !
have been indecisive since the day i took my results .
if the dateline is like nx week ,
trust me , i would submit it nx week .
whatever , say so much also no use .
i've already submitted it .
lols .
3 cheers !
training later , woahhh .
i haven't sleep yet =.=
smile with me at 4:28:00 AM
i swear my heart skipped a beat (:
or did it skip many many beats ?
lols (:
smilinguponurnameissonice(:smiling like a retard seems like the best/sweetest thing to do now ;DDDDD
this post is utter rubbish .
lame shit post .
don't be jealous , ppl .
smile with me (:
smile with me at 12:09:00 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009♥
dunno what to blog .
i need a job , badly ):
physically and mentally worn out .
i have no idea what to do next .
i haven't submit my choices .
dateline : tml , 4pm
speechless .
horrified .
pissed .
freaked out .
shocked .
what the hell man ....
i am not tolerating anymore nonsense
smile with me at 10:49:00 PM
i'm feeling so zzz .
worried not being able to get in .
worried abt the fees and everything .
arghhhhh .
if i really cannot get into the course ,
i'll be so damn disappointed in myself .
i'm so lazy to tink abt other things le .
smile with me at 1:25:00 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009♥
i freaking woke up DARN early today .
with all the worrying shit in me .
( was that the reason why i've got diarrhea after taking my results ? )
i tried watching tv but my mind was filled with wads gonna happen later .
couldn't stand it anymore .
msg-ed ppl to pull them out for lunch
it helped a little .
with all the crapping from us .
time FLEW today , i swear .
lalalala and it's 1 plus gonna be 2pm
they dragged dragged dragged .
and we waited waited waited .
i seriously didn't pay a single attention to what they were saying
seeing ppl going to get their results one by one .
that isn't a very nice thing to do .
soon , it was my turn to take my results
went forward , signed and
mdm zhou said this to me " 不要紧张"
i smiled and walked back .
looked at my results and my reactions were :
o.o --> o.O --> O.O --> jump up and down with O.O look and laughed like some mad idiot
but ....
some ppl around me didnt do up to their expectations ..
i just hope u guys will get into a course and
work towards ur future (:
and ,
nope ppl , i'm not telling my results on the blog .
if u wanna noe ,
ask me personally (:
i'm so happy for u (:
smile with me at 1:13:00 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2009♥
wad the lleh .
tml's 12/1/09
for humans who still dunno wad's gonna happen tml .
tml's the release of O levels results
blardy nervous .
nervous like abcdefg .
ate kinder brueno to let myself relax a bit =.=
chatting with sihao and yiwei now .
all super nervous .
ahhhhhhh .
no mood blog .
bye !
smile with me at 9:33:00 PM
Wednesday, January 07, 2009♥
qy's doomsday on monday , 12 jan
time : 2pm
venue : qtss
results !!!
wth .
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .
i'm so so so so so so damn happy today !
don't ask me why .
i won't tell .
smile with me at 11:20:00 PM
Monday, January 05, 2009♥
qy's happy (:
1. she will not be free this whole week (like finally)
2. she bought a new wallet that can fit all her cards (:
3. she slept a lot today .
4. she smiles upon a.k's name ;DDD
5. she got to eat at ikea today
qy's not happy ):
1. *erhem* is being not nice , pissed qy with his only-haha-reply
2. bestioz not free to talk .
3. she wants kinder brueno ):
urms . this is damn lame .
wayyyyy tooooo boreddddd alrdy .
haha .
but it's true .
i'll be occupied this whole week (:
i finally have an excuse to wake up early everyday . hehs
i just love the feeling of being busy for smth (:
i know it sounds pervertic .
hahahahaha .
urms ,
smile with me at 11:25:00 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009♥
freak freak freak freak freak freak !!!!!!!!!!
i don't wanna vent my anger on anyone .
i might not have [s]
but i'm sure i have [e] and [a]
i'd enough of this kind of discrimination .
freak , whole mood spoilt .
forget it .
who can really understand how it feels ?
smile with me at 11:31:00 PM
话不投机 半句多
[ edited ]
anyways , went shopping today
felt real bad ):
spent nearly $200 !
to some rich ppl out there ,
$200 may be dirt to you .
BUT it meant a lot to me .
cuz i don't work nor save :X
but what's done cannot be undone (风凉话)
3 shirts
1 polo tee
2 shorts
1 jeans
= $190.60
wadever =.=
i had choco sundae just now (:
but i didn't really eat the choco ,
i merely ate the ice cream . ;DD
reason being , the choco is too sweet
and i love the ice cream ;DDDDDDDDD
staring at my bag of 战利品(those clothes i bought)
nth to talk about it .
lols .
i , gohqianying , shall
TRY to spend less next time (:
thisisfreakinglame.time check : time now 4.21am .
woahhhh o.O
cannot be late tml sia ,
i shall go zzzzzzzzzzz now (:
i'msocrazyovera.k .
smile with me at 1:03:00 AM
Saturday, January 03, 2009♥
as promised , i shall blog
(though i have nth to blog about ;D)
urms , had agm just now .
met nicholas and junhao earlier at redhill mrt and went together .
shall skip agm's detail .
went home at around 10 plus i guess ?
didn't take note of time .
took bus to tiong
and as usual , lazy me called dad to come and fetch me home (:
thx dad (:
came home , slacked and stuff .
came online , discussed with kay yong about minor details of OT .
started talking about np .
lols .
i'm still feeling happy/high/positive/everything nice (:
sayo earthlings (:
i shall go and disturb ppl ! ;DD
smile with me at 2:42:00 AM
Friday, January 02, 2009♥
just woke up (:
i wanna go out to buy smth but ..
awww , nehmind .
i'm feeling kinda high , happy , hyper and everything nice .
talking to yy now .
hi yy ! ;DD
urms ,
i'll blog again tonight .
bye earthlings ;DD
smile with me at 4:23:00 PM
time check : 2.05am
qy's bored !
bestioz aslp cuz she has sch tml .
clique's aslp too cuz most of them have sch tml oso .
goh *erhem* 's doing project .
wenqi went to slp cuz she has to go out tml
i'm really really bored .
as claimed by him , he will talk to me later .
but i doubt so la huh ...
so i'm thinking if i should sleep .
i slept so much today ...
omg .
i wan kinder brueno !
give me and i'll smile like crazy ;DD
this is random ;D
Labels: random ;D
smile with me at 2:05:00 AM
Thursday, January 01, 2009♥
(i know it's kind of late alrdy . lols )
i spent my x'mas at wanying's house .
WOW ..
countdown-ed at her house
small fireworks .
had choco fondue ( uber sweet ): ) and mahjong-ed all the way till 12 plus . ;DD
went yy's house after that .
( it was a sudden decision to stayover at her house)
urmmm .
we talked , played , laughed , SLEPT .
lols .
so sry uh ,
i know that my '5mins' became like 2 hours ?
i was really tired :X
thanks for the stayover at ur house ! ;DD
and also , thanks for not drawing my face when i fell aslp . hehs .
went home at around 6pm plus ..
slept till now ;DDD
quite nice to sleep soooo long .
but i'll just get soooooo tired .
i know it sounds illogical .
but it happens to gohqianying (:
i'm feeling sooo *censored* .
i dunno how to describe .
but yes , the feeling is so strong that i wanna cry
ahhhh .
everything sucks ): grrrrrr ..
i feel so emo-ish .
eeeeewww . wadever itinkimissyou(:
smile with me at 11:20:00 PM