Saturday, February 28, 2009♥
i'm so damn way-beyond-any-words-that-can-describe-happy .
don't ask me why ,
i can't tell.
but i'm just so happy ^^
except for that slight disappointment.
NVM ..
i'm just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY
OMG ...
so excited that i almost hyperventilate :X
smile with me at 1:20:00 AM
Friday, February 27, 2009♥
i love basketball (:butiloveyoumorei love peeking at you .talking to you.seeing you smiling at me.being close to you.seeing you talk.seeing you joke.playing basketball with you.having you give in to me.having you disturb me.i just love you (:likingsomeoneishouldn'tlikeissotorturing):
smile with me at 1:56:00 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2009♥
damn it , qy .
why can't you just control your
fucking temper ?
you know that she's angry now ,
of cuz her temper would be bad .
why the hell did you quarrel back ?!
i seriously don't know what is wrong with me man ..
to you .
i'm sorry .
i couldn't explain how regretful am i towards my actions .
i should have been more understanding .
ugh ..
sorry ...
my mood has been on a roller coaster for the past few days .
i dunno what to say already ,
just sorry ...
smile with me at 11:09:00 PM
no matter how hard i try ,
it's just useless .
to you , i'm just a soft-spoken ** .
smile with me at 3:00:00 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009♥
are you really oblivious to what i type ?or you understand but chose to ignore ?don't tell me you're sorry when you're not .lalalalala .
slept the whole day .
full of energy now ! ^^
smile with me at 10:57:00 PM
on a lighter note ,
qy is happy today (:
went for range duty ^^
yes , you didn't see wrongly ..
i said NICE (:
after that met alien for i-dunno-what ..
went to THAT PLACE ^^
but for a short while only cuz that under 16 yrs old girl had school the next day .
walking beside her is a total lose-face situation man ....
she sings OUT LOUD ..
she burst plastic bags that are filled with air .
she wears the plastic bags meant for umbrella and act like she's from chinese dance ( no offence to chinese dance )
she burps OUT LOUD too
anything unglam ,
you name it , she does it .
oops ... sorry to alien ^^
i was too carried away with this post .
but anyone with eyes that walks past you could see those acts of yours la !
so .... i'm not being mean eh ?
rmb ?
i'm the nicest , most understanding , most gentle , most kind , most angelic ______________ la !
you admit that right ?
i'm just freaking crapping in this post =.=
oh well ...
making a trip down to school tmr ....
LAST BUT NOT LEAST ..............................
I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA GO LA !but i've got no courage to tell him that ):
how i wish that he reads this ,
and understand that i really wish go ...
dream on , qy =.=
smile with me at 3:07:00 AM
just went to some ppl's blog .HA .. blogged about me .SO DAMN HONOURED MAN (:yup , i didn't reply . so ?just as i've said , you think you so angelic and did nth wrong then go ahead .cuz i don't think i need to explain to you nor anyone about my actions (:i repeat this again ,GO COMPLAIN TO THE WHOLE DAMN WORLD IF YOU LIKE (:this will only show how childish you are (:get everyone to hate me , i-just-don't-care .read this ,I DON'T CARE (:if talking to me is a waste of your time ,then don't blog about me .damn ... u must be can't bear to not blog about me right ?lmao have the guts to blog such nonsensical stuff ,then i have the guts to blog such stuff .an eye for an eye (:go and be childish , that's my last piece of advice for you .cuz it suits you to a 'T' man wad if u manage to psycho the whole world to hate me ?seriously , so what ?just go and think about it man ....when i freaking never provoke you ,don't complain ....P.S this isn't specifically addressed to anyone ,but by any chance you think i'm talking about you , go ahead with your thinking BUT please don't go around WHINING that i bitch-ed about you .cuz i didnt (:( yes , you didn't see wrongly.
WHINING is the word )
getting on my nerves is the last thing anyone should ever do ...
take care , dudes (: , earthlings , anything ? (:
anything , don't spam/type childish OR stupid stuff at my tagboard thanks (:
i've provided an alternative to you guys .
you may send an email to me/talk to me on msn indicating how much you love/hate me (:
on one condition ,
have the courage to use ur REAL email (:
damn , qy is just so ...........
lmao (:
smile with me at 1:48:00 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009♥
WAS suppose to go out today .
but .. nvm .
smile with me at 8:28:00 PM
smile with me at 1:51:00 AM
i'm so worried ..
but come to think of it ,
why should i ?
you chose your path, whereas i chose mine ..
you chose to dig your own grave by continue to believe whatever she say ,
i chose to let u get hurt to learn ur lesson .
hope that this lesson wouldn't be too much for you to han
so much things to do ,but no one to accompany me to do . LOLSdle ..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALEX ;DDDDD( 22/2/09)
smile with me at 1:37:00 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009♥
i just wanna blog about this :
' He's just not that into you ' is UBER NICE (:
nice nice nice nice nice !
yup ..
anyway , it's just nice , touching , educational ? (maybe) and JUST SO NICE .
nicest movie i've watched in 2009
( btw , i've only watched 2 movies till now , including this movie )
smile with me at 3:31:00 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2009♥
TODAY ;DDok .. suddenly have the mood to blog .
so i've decided to post all the overdue photos (:
count yourself lucky ,
i don't always do this :X
was suppose to __________________ today ,
but apparently , _________________________
so i didn't go ___________________ .
lols .
tomorrow is ______________________ ,
hope i won't __________________ .
damn , are they really secrets or i'm just LAZY to type ?
*drum roll*
btw , this post is gonna be UBER LONG ...
if you don't have the whole time in the whole to read this ,
i think you can say byebye to my blog and go cry about it .
went out with sister .
went to _____________ ,
ordered this , that , this , that .
there was this BLOODY FUNNY JOKE .
my sis ordered dora-yaki ,
you know you know ,
the thing that doraemon eats ...
yup .. this was what i was trying to say .
*story continues*
the waitress came ,
telling us that it's SOLD OUT .
ok ..... after around 10 mins ~ 15 mins ,
i was staring at the conveyor belt ,
telling my sister about smth .
i saw something familiar appear infront of me .
a brown , round but flat THING on a plate with a plastic cover "walked" past me .
i pointed at it and laugh my LOUDEST laughter for the day .
* that was unglam , i know =.= *
i guess , you guys should know what it was already ...
this shows the waitress's way of serving her customer .
WOW .......
suki sushi trip (:

cups and cups and cups of ice cream ^^

nice nice choco ice cream . OMG

now you see two (:

now you see four (:

now you see six (:

now you see EIGHT (:
co-eaten by alien and predator ;D

trying hard to eat the solid-like ice cream :X

being forced to take this photo :P

i want sushi !! ;DD

she wants sushi too !! ;DD

self-made sushi by both of us ^^
wanna try ?

does it look like i've just taken it down from the conveyor belt ?
100% DIY sushi .

random ....
V's day + stayover at wy's house

mahjong is da LOVE ^^
this is a wuguii btw =.=

this is *erhem*
made by wwy ^^

valentine's day gift from luvena ^^
Birthday Treat at Ding Tai Fung ;DD

chicken soup ?
not bad when it's hot ^^

the fried rice was nice (: but
not one of my favourite .. :X

now you see it ........................


the desert was da
sex .
it's almond jelly with red dates and longan "water" ?
smile with me at 2:57:00 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009♥

the last thing i could do for you ,
is to put you in my memory forever .
rest in peace (:
smile with me at 11:14:00 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009♥
V's day was NICE ;DDDD
spent it with wy , hiumun and alien
had my fav. caramel macchiato ^^
so LONG since i last drank it .
damn ^^
went wy's house ...
and guess wad we did ?
luvena and jean came afterwards .
played mahjong and WON ALOT ^^
played till like 9plus and luvena they all went swimming .
yy and i did not swim , no swim suit and "my mei mei was vomiting blood"
*laughs madly*
we played see-saw and swing ^^
got bitten by mosquito alot alot too .
went up to wy's house and realised that it was very very late .
sleptover at her house ^^
continued chatting with them .
yy and i became hungry and wanted to call macs .
*for the funny stuff that i said , go yy's blog to see^^*
our food came around 2.40am like that .
eat eat eat then started talking for awhile .
wy slept first , followed by yy .
i couldn't slp ):
played with wy's laptop till 6am then sleep .
woke up around 10 plus i guess ( i didn't really slp well)
brushed teeth and bathed .
went to suki sushi with yy .
omg ..
photos to be uploaded later at night .
tsk tsk , alien , score now is 5 v 4 ar .
bought this anklet .
nice nice ^^
alien , must wear ar .
went tiong to play arcade .
talk talk then went home ^^
how nice to know that u're actually there , for me (:
smile with me at 8:29:00 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009♥
i noe that i can never rely on anyone .
i only have me , myself and I .
how pathetic ...
and i just realised that no matter how much u do ,
no one would appreciate it .
so why bother to do it then ?
i'm so negative today .
fug .
smile with me at 11:23:00 PM
if slapping you wouldn't dirty my hands ,
i would have slapped you long ago .
i sound so mean !
but i find this sentence really cool . hahas
this sentence isn't meant for anyone ,
just random thoughts so ... random post ! hahas
if you tink i'm refering to you ,
go ahead (:
smile with me at 1:05:00 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009♥
i just want the past back .
smile with me at 2:20:00 AM
Monday, February 09, 2009♥
a big big thank you to these ppl :
(in no order)
yiying , shichia , jeffrey , yonghwee , simon , norman , zhaowei , chaoqin , justin , sihao , hund , jinyuan , jianzhong , meera , yanci , jinmin , dom , cheryl , yueting , gekhwee , wanying , ismadi , wilson , jieling , wenqi , yongcheng , desiree , wendy , heidi , ronald , jeremy , junjie(wong) , junjie(mao) , kianhwee , issac , heiqel , nadzirah
for the birthday wishes ^^
and presents from some of you (:
sorry if i've left out any names .
really can't rmb :P
smile with me at 3:49:00 AM
to lol's fren .
i don't care who you are , whether u're a fren of mine or whatsoever .
you jolly well stop telling stories like " i disturb you , bully you " to your frens .
if u want , come and confront me YOURSELF .
if u have the guts to complain then
have the guts to confront me alone and not rely on ur frens .
my consciences are CLEAR .
i won't offend ppl when ppl don't offend me .
if u're my fren ,
you should have my email right ?
i hate such coward actions done BEHIND my back .
i also hate it when ppl tag at MY blog to help other ppl scold me .
that's darn childish alright ?
get a life ppl , seriously .
this would be the last time i'm "entertaining" lol or anyone that comes tagging my blog with stupid names .
i'm serious .
smile with me at 3:43:00 AM
Saturday, February 07, 2009♥
i'm so touched by what yy blogged about .
seriously .
but on the contrary .
i'm so hurt by what he said .
chicken wings man !
damn .
i shan't be bothered about what he said .
spoilt my
day minute
smile with me at 1:08:00 AM
Friday, February 06, 2009♥
43more mins .
zzzz . but i'm not feeling somewhat happy .
ugh . whatever la . i'm just whining ..
seriously ,
the more i see u ,
the more i dislike you .
stfu and get lost alright ?
smile with me at 11:17:00 PM
one more day .
just one more day ^^
smile with me at 2:39:00 AM
Thursday, February 05, 2009♥
today's nice !!!
my mother bought wii for me (:
she didnt tell me that she's gonna buy .
then suddenly she brought home that .
(i'm not like rich or anything la =.=)
omg ..
how nice of her la ;DDDDDDDD
furthermore , that thing just happened recently ,
i know buying wii is actually a burden to her ):
i seriously think i've loads of luck since the start of 2009 .
*except for the fact that i scalded my finger =.=
i'm awaiting for more great things ahead ;DDDDDD
smile with me at 3:08:00 AM
4 more days ^^
Wednesday, February 04, 2009♥
i finally found my cable .
seems like it has just finished bai nian-ing .
some super overdue pics .

call me chun li !
lols =.=

these are called FIRECRACKERS ;DDD

MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY ( the 'many' goes on and on ) people waiting for the lighting of the firecrackers .

when i took this photo ,
the firecrackers are like gonna finish burning . =.=

fireworks after firecrackers .
wow ..
$$$$$ lols .


can u see that it's DAMN smoky ?!
there's oso like red bits of paper that will drop on u .

still fireworks =.=

these are BALLOONS and LANTERNS .

as u can see ,
these are still fireworks=.=

lion dance at i dunno where .
took this when i was walking home from chinatown

ok .. photos below are what i took ytd ( tues )

alien's piece of 'art' =.=

my piece of ART ;DDDDDDDD
damn cute la the rat . OMG OMG=.=

tada ~!

this cushion is damn nice to sit on !
ok ...
dinnering with alien was super fun !
wait ,
corrections to be made
dinnering with alien at ikea was super fun !
let's go there more often !!
we played like we had no childhood . omg =.=
but it was really uber fun man !
tsk tsk , nightmares about *erhem* right ? hahahaha (inside joke)
too bad u can't make it on sat ):
but NEHMIND . (:
don't feel guilty laaa (though u ought to) ^^
4 more days ^^
smile with me at 12:52:00 AM
Tuesday, February 03, 2009♥
once again , to prove that mondays are a curse to me .
i read the posting order at 12.56am which is alrdy tues ,
i got posted to qtss ^^
i bet if i read it at 11.56am ,
the result would be me landed up in other schools .
smile with me at 1:10:00 AM
Monday, February 02, 2009♥

i'm having some serious monday blues.
i actually had a lot of blog about, but DAMN, I FORGOT everything .
let's put all the bad things in point form .
- i fucking SHAMPOO-ED my eyes when bathing today .
- my cable is still missing .
- travelling cost is SO DAMN ex . ( no more 45cents ): )
- saw a cockroach at the mrt station 'machine' (or whatever you guys called it)
- peach milktea SUCKS . (it tasted like my vomit)
- i had to hold this heavy heavy stuff on my hand while walking home (i just hate holding things on my hand . right , yiying ? )
- i walked like a stupid drunkard that don't know how to walk . constantly tripping over my leg . zzz
- i'm bloody lethargic but still typing this nonsensical post.
- i hate mondays . *the end*
yes ppl , i'm whining like an asshole . how often do you see qy whining ? ( qy says " VERY often" ) ( gqy says " shut up, my imaginary split self ) this is how lame qy can get . _l_
okok . this shan't be a post of EMO/NEGATIVE stuff .
met yy for tuition today ..
GREAT IMPROVEMENT FROM HER *claps wildly and smile like ;DD*
for her first revision , she scored 9/10 .
2nd revision , 10/10 !!!
but ... she needs to start memorising words that she see before .. *yy , u noe wad i mean right?*
end of my post .
a round of applause please ?
damn . my hand is bleeding .
*starts singing " keep bleeding , keep keep bleeding love ........"
smile with me at 8:20:00 PM