Tuesday, March 31, 2009♥
my laptop is like part of my life now .
when i wake up, come home, bored or anything, i'll use my laptop
hohoho (:
and yea, i ran home last night ..
ohh... did i say ?
i'm looking forward to training later ^^
i really am... OMG ;DDD
can you see what i'm typing?CHUI-EST SON ON EARTH ;DDDi knowyou miss your mummy. lalalala (:
smile with me at 12:12:00 AM
Monday, March 30, 2009♥
people always say " the higher the hope, the greater the disappointment "
i agree to it totally..
someone whom i had great hopes on, gave me disappointments ..
tears are flowing down when i'm typing this ..
have i not done enough ?
or you think that i'm not fit to do so ?
smile with me at 10:03:00 PM
i had fun today, i really did.
it reminds me of the past..
thanks (:
ididn'texpectmyselftomissyousobadly ):training tml . HOHOHO (:
smile with me at 9:28:00 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009♥

life is like a circuit ...
with batteries ( motivation ) and wires ( friends ) , the bulb ( you ) can light up.
but now, my circuit is lacking of wires and my battery is dying..
apparently.. my dnt knowledge is still haunting me . LOLS ..
yea .. i know someone's gonna whine that i'm being emo again =.=
thanks for your story,
though totally never mention about me ):
but just thanks !! ;DD
smile with me at 11:50:00 PM
rainy day.
met kayyong at queensway to make the plaques.
a wasted trip..
sorry ):
took bus home and yea .. here i am using my com ^^
i guess, not much of a plan for tml.
i just have no life =.=
i shall update again if anything funny happened at night .. (:
i'm so touched by what you say ;DDDD
a bit only la . HAHAHS
smile with me at 5:37:00 PM
Saturday, March 28, 2009♥
going home seems like a chore to me ...
dragging my shoes, hoping that i'll not reach home so soon .. i guess, after that talk, we can finally NOT misunderstand one another anymore?
LOLS =.=
i'll stay strong, i promise (:
smile with me at 11:33:00 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009♥
why did i bother to come down though i had diarrhea the previous night till today ?
why did i bother to come down though i didn't even have the energy to walk at home ?
why did i bother to come down though i knew i mean nothing to you guys ?
why did i bother to come down to scold you guys till i felt so unwell after that ?
i had only 1 reason, i care for you all.
but think, have u guys care for me at all ?
week after week, you guys only treat me for granted.
week after week, i just go home with a bad throat.
this time, i really mean it ..
i'd enough of disappoint already..
but i guess, you guys won't care a shit (:
as usual.
oh yea,
i pai seh-ed myself today during training =.=
i fell down.
yea ppl, laugh for all you want.
i'm having a VERY BIG blue black on my leg now.
smile with me at 10:52:00 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009♥
i'm still waiting for miracles to happen ..
a tick beside the time to read some books (:
cuz i just bought a book to read.
one step nearer to being a got qi zhi de girl ..
LOLS =.=
smile with me at 11:10:00 PM
I'M SO FREAKING SICK =.=i'm not going training on friday if this carries on ):
rejoice, people !
one person less to scold you guys ;DDi just realised that i miss a lot of people/things/events ):sia la ... got so many things that i missed ..ignore this post, i just felt like posting it.LOLS....how often do u see qy posting about how much she misses everyone ?ONCE IN A BLUE MOON ;DDso treasure this post ar, for it's going into history soonHAHAHAHHAA =.=wth . i'm starting to publish senseless posts.anyway, i told fiance that i'm gonna turn myself into a got 气质 de girl =.=
meaning :
- time to read some books
NO MORE VULGARITIES - no speaking in dialects.
- no more "qiao ka-ing"
- no more laughing loudly
- no more cracking of knuckles =.=
- behave like a normal girl
i bet this won't last long ^^
i rmbed !!
i saw this weird light that flew in the sky last night while walking home !
i wanted to take photo of it, but.... it's too far from me ..
can't capture it ..
it flew in a very weird pattern.
i couldn't figure out what was that and stood there like an idiot for 5 mins thinking about what it could be =.=
but it was kind of beautiful.
really wonder what it was... o.O
range duty later and i'm not sleeping yet =.=
it's 5.17am already .
tsk tsk ....
someone loves to praise me ^^
i know that
someone will read my blog one . HELLO ;DDD
smile with me at 4:59:00 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009♥
i just know of this devastating news.
damn ...
my heart sank to the deepest bottom.
but i can't tell anyone what's it about ...
i'm about to explode =.=
errr... literally.
lols. whatever it is.
i'm just so upset.
why like this ):
urm .. i think i'm upset..
i also don't know what kind of feeling i'm having now =.=
but but but..
i'm so happy ^^ 1/2
cuz i saw you today.
hohohohohohohohohohoho ;DDDD
lalalalalalalalalalalalala =.=
what a stupid post..
range duty tml, but somehow....
the feeling is not right...
i don't know why ):
life's just not really right for me this few days ..
people around me should realise that,
i'm getting more and more vulgar..
somehow, it's just a form of self-protection for me..
there's just a lot of uncertainty,
so much that i need to self-protect..
i will never show my weak side to others, that's for sure.
so hard to smile now ..
i need twice as much effort to force myself to smile.
previously, those posts, i swear i'm not emo.
but for this post, i'm really depressed..
whatever it is.. i shall stop my lame shit post here..
smile with me at 11:20:00 PM
i've just done like more than 30 personality tests?
i know it sounds damn no-life..
but, the fact is that, i really just did that..
i really wish that i can go back to sec school life ..
i wanna mug for exams .
( it sounds so pervertic =.= )
but i'm really despo for studies..
anyway, had training today.
urm .
no comments. shan't comment. ;D
i love myself and you ^^
for no apparent reason =.=
no plans for tml.
maybe meeting fiance.
keyword: MAYBE..
cuz who knows, it might be cancelled LAST MIN.
anyway, it's 2.26am now.
i've got 2 choices,
to go and do MORE personality tests or to go and sleep ^^
and i choose.......
to listen to music. =.=
i don't wanna stay at this backstabbing world.
i don't wanna to force myself to smile infront of him.
period, i'm gonna ignore him before i flare up(:
i hope it doesn't sound emo-ish to anyone?
cuz i typed this with a quite high mood.
waiting for friday, yes i am ^^
smile with me at 2:21:00 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009♥
should i go for ndp ?
omg ...
that's all i have to post.
can ppl who reads this,
tell me on msn or sms me to tell me if i should or should not go ?
i can't decide ....
smile with me at 10:43:00 PM
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
i'm not emo.
stop saying i'm emo.
just a slight bit of pms perhaps ?
HAHAHA =.= jk.
ok .. not funny.
but i'm really fine ^^
smile with me at 1:49:00 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009♥
is this the root of all trouble ?
i don't know.
all i know is that..
actually i don't know what i know =.=
life is getting more and more boring i guess ?
and i'm not changing anything about it..
i'm only waiting for school to start.
to start all afresh (:
that's all i'm hoping, period.
smile with me at 10:47:00 PM
i tried..
but i just can't pretend that nth has happened.
the wall is still there.
i'm so sorry ...
smile with me at 12:57:00 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009♥
have you ever realised that the way u talk make me feel very redundant?
i come back for wad?
is not my com spoil, is i dunno how to reply you.
i'm being frank in this post.
i really am..
bloody hurt by what you say.
just came back from meeting.
wasn't that difficult as i thought^^
it was hard trying to SHOW that i'm pissed with you.
you just don't get the msg i guess?
you're not the only one who has temper,
on tues,
shouldigoandfeelredundant or
smile with me at 10:56:00 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009♥
went to np for the software top up thing .
the duration was shorter than i've expected,
which is a good thing ^^
after that went to ikea to eat.
and i did something amazing ^^
i'm not telling it here ;P
not much plans for tomorrow..
talking on phone now. lalalalala.
i'm having a very boring life =.=
DAMN ....
smile with me at 12:23:00 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009♥
went for the medical examination at shenton way.
had those regular checks, BLOOD TEST and xray .
the blood test was wthomgwtfomfgnb
the doctor took my blood as though it's free ?
my arm went numb the moment the needle went it.
but one thing i learnt was that, my blood was DARK-coloured.
i always thought that blood should be of a lighter shade of red.
after that, was the xray, kind of excited for it.
wasn't wad i tot it would be. hahas.
went home, almost fell alsp while waiting for her.
met at tiong, had subway and sat there to chat.
went to walk around cuz i'm sick of sitting down.
that's when the DISASTER happened.
we were in ntuc, looking at shampoos.
she asked me to smell it but yet she kept holding it in her hands to smell it.
when finally she decided to let me smell it,
i bend my head towards the bottle and WTH .
and of cuz, both of us started laughing like TWO IDIOTS. =.=
* as claimed by her, it was unintentional...
went to the toilet to wash up.
and headed to guardian....
and again, went to look at those shampoos ( we just don't learn our lesson, do we? )
she was smelling one of the bottles when SUDDENLY,
a "lump"/"puddle" ( whatever you call it) of shampoo "ran"/"flew" onto her nose.
that's called retribution, i guess ?
what a happening/funny day out with her.. =.=
WAS suppose to go out in the afternoon to cut hair and perhaps gym.
someone just had to delay everything and result to me stuck at home till now .
it's home alone for me today .
so quiet ... but quiet is good ^^
i really need to buy a phone ( 2nd hand oso can) asap.
my current phone is dying on me soon . ):
but singapore is having recession now !
where to get $$ to buy ..
ugh .
worse comes to worse, i'll have to live without a phone.
HOW SAD ....
but actually, not very sad ?
hols is so freaking boring ...
omg . =.=
O lvl cert would be ready for collection on 3rd arpil 2009 !
WOW ... oath taking date .
smile with me at 5:54:00 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009♥
woohoO~~ 2d1n camp ended just like this .
tired tired ...
tml shall be the chionging day for me to clear my course registration stuff
(yes ppl, i love doing last min things =.=)
going to cck then to sengkang and then go meet them .
wow ... i'm touring singapore tml AGAIN ....
time to sleep ...
smile with me at 12:34:00 AM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009♥
1. cjy should seriously GO AND DIE .
2. yes ppl, i love *y*k
( fill in the alphabets urself )
3. i still think that cjy should go and DIE .
i don't know what to blog.
but i just wanna let my blog post seem so dead.
so ...
ok ..
let's see what i can crap out.
oh ya .
sometimes, i would just wonder why i sacrifice so much for that .
i could have already dyed my hair the moment O's was over.
i could have went out everyday and play like there's no tml.
i could have found a job and earn money like WOAHHH.
i could have cut my hair and make it untie-able.
i could have spent more time at home sleeping
there are just so many ' i could have ' that i can name them all out.
but i just know that very one reason that made me sacrifice so much for 'that'
the reason was pride and passion .
i know it sounds corny, lame and whatsoever.
but it was really these 2 words that made me hung on to 'that' and persevere on no matter how many obstacles i faced.
how could i ever let them understand that too ?
for now, i still don't have an answer for it.
but i believe, sooner or later, whatever that i foresee will come true (:
and i'm still optimistic about it ! ;DD
and i've got a illness recently...
i'm starting to smile to myself .
that's so mentally disorder...
BUT i'm not MAD ..
i bet you guys are thinking that i'm mad now =.=
hey ... i'm not la can ?
alrights . shall go to bed now ..
bye earthlings ;D
smile with me at 11:07:00 PM
Your view on yourself:You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
lols ..
i wonder how many ppl got the same results as me ( i bet there's MANY )
but anyway .
share with you ppl about me
http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspxthis is the link to the personality test.
go take it and if u've got the same results as me ,
lols ..
and yet again,
this is a
STUPID good post. ;DD
oh ya.i hate people who 'buys' friendship .one gd example : L.Y.X ( a guy )anyways, i shan't comment too much on him,since he's her stead ...i shall give her face.( i bet jh is pissed with this post cuz of these he , she him , her )wadever it is.- i'm not gonna let you guys look down on me, for i'm gonna prove you guys wrong ! -
smile with me at 12:04:00 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009♥
i'm not attached .
though i may sound woahhhhhh at times in my post .
but i'm
engaged (:
but not that type tht you're thinking .
btw ......
today , i just found out that some people reads my blog.
hahahahahhahaa .
how interesting.
people , please tag eh ?
don't soooooo low profile lehs .
alright , time to go watch the horror movie at channel 62.
this post is so stupid =.=
smile with me at 9:51:00 PM
can you tell me wht kind of person you are ?
whenever i think that you're nice and everything,
you'll do something real bad.
i can never understand what's ur next move or your hidden motive behind each action.
i'm so sick and tired of compromising with you.
i'm gonna be selfish for this once, i'm sorry.
i guess, things don't always go in your direction always in life right?
i don't know what will happen when i do that,
but i'm sure i won't regret any of my actions.
i have my ego and my pride too..
for people who reads this post,
please don't ask me who am i talking about.
save your breath, i'm not telling.
and omg ,
i saw *him today.
i wonder if he saw me but WTH .....
i guess, tiong is a very dangerous place for me now ...
smile with me at 12:58:00 AM
Sunday, March 08, 2009♥
had a long long talk with ;D ytd .
shan't say anymore .
i know , she know can lo ;DD
going out later .
i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for unit camp ^^
- not that girl anymore -
smile with me at 4:39:00 PM
Saturday, March 07, 2009♥
i swear it's freaking tiring trying to meet her .
only by calling her can make you go crazy.
meeting her later .
ugh .
i wonder what will happen.
shall cont. when i come back
smile with me at 6:20:00 PM
today was .............................. OK ..
weather was ......................... LIKE SHIT
training was .......................... OK
meeting was .......................... OK
trip from bm mac to tiong was ........................... VERY NOT OK
on the way home was .......................... OK
wanted to walk home but halfway , gave up.
the taxi driver was kind of screw loose .
scary ...
don't wanna sit his cab anymore.
next time see his cab ,
i swear i'll just miss it .
nth else to blog le
except , i miss him .
yes i really do .
smile with me at 12:41:00 AM
Wednesday, March 04, 2009♥
I INJURED MY FEET ):damn damn damn damn damn
smile with me at 11:43:00 PM
this week is just a BLOODY BAD week for me ..
like last week ..
i feel so crappy , so irritated and my head feels so heavy .
most importantly , i feel so CHU MAI-ED .
i'm badly deprived of sleep .
head spinning like nobody's business ( apparently , that's nobody's business what )
smile with me at 1:18:00 AM
Tuesday, March 03, 2009♥
i heaved a sigh of relief (:
i'm contented ,
you guys have finally gone to the next level.
i am proud to know it , yes i am (:
smile with me at 8:44:00 PM
Monday, March 02, 2009♥
yes people , i woke up at 7am today =.=
FYI , i didn't sleep well yesterday ):
wanted to type vulgarities but ... i promised some ppl to minimize vulgarities le ..
some people are really OMFG man .
they don't think before they talk or act ,
causing disturbance to other people ( like me =.= )
incorrigible .
i feel like i'm stirring up a butterfly effect now =.=
one small thing , cause a BIG reaction .
smile with me at 9:34:00 AM
why are humans so selfish ?we always wish that others will understand us but we never thought of understanding other people.should we just spend one moment daily to reflect what we have done and understand the meaning behind everyone's actions towards us, i believe the world would be a better place for everyone.this week hasn't been a nice one,i'm facing backstabbings, conflicts, misunderstandings and quarrels.i'm tired .. really sick and tired of these..so much so that you guys want me to understand ur situation,you guys have to try to understand mine too.i don't think 'understanding' should be a one-way stuff.anyways,i'm just sick and tired of these, i'm serious ..on a lighter note,
met alien today ..
was suppose to go beach road but ....
nvm ..
we went to watch 'Marley and Me' .
damn , nice ending ^^
i cried, real badly.
memories of wuguii flashed back.
nice movie, go catch it if you have the time AND the money (:
after which, subway-ed.
talked, talked, talked, talked, talked ..
went home, online and chat on phone.
starting to realise that some things are just out-of-my-control .
thanks you-know-who-you-are for those advices ^^
hoping that this week would be a nice week.
yes, it will be ;DD
smile with me at 2:27:00 AM
Sunday, March 01, 2009♥
one day ,
when i realised that you guys no longer need me ,
i'll leave (:
i stay when you guys need me ,
but similarly ,
i'll leave when i think there's no need for me to be there anymore ..
i think you guys should know what i'm talking about ..
and i guess ,
the day is coming soon .
just one more time i cry infront of you guys ,
i'll give up on you all .
smile with me at 12:15:00 AM