Monday, May 31, 2010♥
but no my friend,
u don't realise that the reason why i'm ignoring u is because u're acting like him..
the image that i hated most.
u knew it.. u do.
but why are u telling me yet doing tat?
i really dun understand..
smile with me at 4:26:00 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010♥
i'm so tired ):
i just wanna say,
i'm on twitter! woots!
follow me kay (:
i sound like a retard =.=
kthxbye ppl.
i'm tired ttm.
proper post tml (:
smile with me at 11:59:00 PM
Went for dinner with my aunt and sista at some restaurant that i've forgotten the name :P
Some restaurant at Holland (:
No photo of appetizer and soup because i was so excited to eat that i forgot to take photo!
My main course! (i dunno why the photo turned out to be so black when the rest of the photos are super clear ): )
My sista's steak. Kinda dry but was good!
I swear, this is AWESOMEST~~! I think it's codfish. SUPERBBBBBB (:
Went to haagen daazs afterwards for dessert!

I'm a fan of waffles with ice cream~!!! ;DDDDDD the whipped cream kinda pathetic =.= and it cost $1 for this.

My sista's waffles with *i-forgot-what-icecream* with mango sauce + haagen dazs menu! The menu damn cool.

Mango sorbet!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER NICEEE(:
My belated birthday present from my aunt (: THANK YOU (:
a Guy Laroche wallet!!!! Expensive stuff okay! (: My Espirit wallet? Got a "bath" with tako balls & sauce ): *sigh* I bought it using my own money.. and now it smells like tako ball ):
Celebrated my dad's belated birthday cuz apparently, after eating at the fishhead steamboat restaurant on 15/05/10, we were all very full.

My dad's cake! I chose it (: Woke up at 7am just to go and order it. Was in a 1/2 asleep mode when choosing. BUT....

It turned out to be an AWESOME cake (: The standard is rather remarkable for a neighbourhood cake shop (:
Proudly presenting to you.... MY DAD (:

My daddy and grandpa (: Say cheese (: See the smile on my grandpa! awwww (:

That's daddy and me! (:
Was having a very, very normal school day BUT this "cockroach man" just have to come and scare/spoil/traumatise my day=.=
f.y.i. i'm uberly afraid of cockroaches. damnit, i said it.
SY, PW and I were at the nasi lemak stall when i went forward to look wad i wanna eat then WTF i turned back and saw this weird guy with alot of weird things on him.after looking for like a few seconds, i realise the weird things were actually toy cockroaches.
there's like hundreds of it on him? hair, face, body, shirt, jeans, bag and shoes.
i swear i almost fainted.
although it looks damn fake but walaoooooo it still managed to scare the shit out of me.
but he was damn ass. he went around makan place to scare ppl =.=
he would do things like standing very closely behind someone then when the person turn back,
*you know what will happen*
if the goondu never realise that the "cockroach man" is behind, he will tap the person's shoulder. =.=
anyone care to enlighten me? LOLS.
oh, there were ppl filming reactions too.
so i guess, it's some project thing? :/
Fell sick. Didn't go to school.
But found out smth (:
i've got cute classmates like SY, PW, DINA & GRACE (:
thanks & love you guys truckloads kay! (:
*I realise that there is actually a common reaction whenever i say i'm a psychology student.
"Don't psycho me ar"
Guess what? even my doctor says that =.=
smile with me at 2:09:00 AM
Thursday, May 13, 2010♥
superrrrrr stressssss these few weeks.
smile with me at 10:56:00 PM
Sunday, May 09, 2010♥
i've been thinking a lot for the past 1 week..
observed a lot,
realised a lot.
i've seen too many selfish acts around me.
i've seen too many hypocrites around me.
it's just so scary that the person who is smiling at you now, might hurt you the next moment.
people who know me, knows that i'm someone who doesn't like to share.
people who know me well, knows that i'm someone who wants to share.
i thought we were all close friends perhaps i was all are close friends.i'm just a clown to all of you.perhaps, living in a competitive society for long will make everyone forget how to be selfless.
i always say to people. "no matter what happens, i'll be there for you"but do i have any friends who will really be there for me?do i have any friend who will be there for me no matter what happens?really tired of being the one giving yet receiving nth..i guess, i'm really such a lousy friend that i do not have any close friends.
smile with me at 10:22:00 PM