a season of smiles
Wednesday, September 15, 2010♥
going to batam on the 15, 16, 17 oct xDDD
happy max~
meanwhile, i'll just have to work work work work work ):
tired max but i'll not give up! xD
i woke up at 9.44am today despite my work starting at 8.30am
my mother said that she asked if i've got work in the morning and i told her no.
all i rmb was that i was sound asleep till 9.44am ):
sorry to my colleagues who had to cover for me ):
Sister is at phuket (good life uh?)
Coming back on thursday xD
My souvenirs~~~~~~
Heard that she tasted authentic thai tom yum :X
i want ):
smile with me at 2:34:00 AM
Customer Service?
Was reading stomp regarding this family which humiliated, screamed and shout at a waiter for a small mistake.
Personally feel that the family was overreacting and a big disgrace
(For full story, go stomp and read about it)
one thing was, the waiter was really patient.
he didnt shout back or scold back.
This made me think of a particular incident.
Was at bugis on sunday and went to soup spoon.
there was this family which bought outside food to eat at soup spoon.
the reason why they bought outside food was probably because they had 2 kids and they wanted to eat something else.
a waitress came over to tell them that outside food is not allowed
and immediately, they went to buy something from soup spoon.
however, the waitress went over again to tell them the same thing
this time round adding a rather rude remark
i guessed the mother was really offended and started scolding the waitress which i don't really see that it is wrong because the waitress made a rude remark.
the poor father had to take the food in his hand and eat while standing outside of soup spoon just because of their "no outside food allowed" rule.
i mean, hello? they bought soup spoon's food already
and they really bought alot.
they just had a few snacks around also cannot :/
but the best part was,
being scolded by the mother, the waitress retaliated =.=
throughout the whole incident, the waitress was being really rude.
despite the manager asking her to stop retaliating, she continued.
she wasn't even apologetic.
it really reflected badly on her upbringing.
customer service? :/
it's time we reflect on our actions.
smile with me at 2:20:00 AM
up, up and away (:
Monday, September 13, 2010♥
exams are finally over ;DDDDDDD
happy as a lark (why is a lark happy anyway?)
anyway, a few photos to upload from gazillion years back.

This ugly "shou tao" is from Ding Tai Fung :/

Extremely over-steamed ):

"Shou tao supposed to be some lotus paste thing right?
this was in red bean paste.
sweet ttm, gross ttm

Look at how wrinkled(?) the skin was

Not that i'm trying to be picky but this really isnt nice and cost $7 for 7 ):


Giant mountain ice mango dessert thingy~

This 2 monsters burned my stomach ):
Banana split is common
Ever seen a water melon split? xD
smile with me at 1:05:00 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2010♥
i bet i've sneezed more than a hundred times since 12am ):
smile with me at 5:49:00 AM