do you ever feel, like a plastic bag
Tuesday, August 23, 2011♥

a zillion years since i've blogged.
lack of motivation.
no feeling
fine. i admit, i'm just pure lazy.
things around me are happening like it's played on fast forward.
it's scaring me how fast things are going right now.
it's like i've lost control of the brakes and just madly speeding forward.
if there's an obstacle,
i'll crash and burn.
got to seek peace in His presence.
i'll be alright, because i'm in His hands.
Thank You for loving me unconditionally and not giving up on me.
on a lighter note,
i'm posted to Yong En Care Centre for internship.
Feeling excited about it 'cuz i know that place and...
>.< it's near my house >.<
waiting for Mr Jonathan to inform me about the working hours and job description! :D
interview this friday.
gotta start working on the cover letter, resume and needs analysis thingy~
pray that everything will be fine!
Labels: thoughts, tumblr
smile with me at 2:34:00 AM