strangers, again.
Thursday, April 28, 2011♥

but now, it's nothing but empty promises, empty words.

don't infer and make links anymore.
it's from tumblr and i just wanna blog.

today, i'm not gonna cry because of you anymore.
i just wanna be happy.

don't ever act like you care cuz you never did and never will.
you were actually 1/2 right i fell for something i fell for your words i grew dependent on you thinking that you will always be there when i fall with all your words and encouragement i took for granted this time i fell so badly you left at the slightest thought of that and i'm truly disappointed and upset i didn't had the courage to stop all the stupid depending thingy and you didn't had to courage to ask me about it but what's done had been done i remain my stand that what you thought was wrong
i should have left at the slightest feeling
i was nothing but a silly girl.
i'm out of your life and you're out of mine.
strangers, again.
Labels: strangers again
smile with me at 3:58:00 PM
don't ask me. i'm not okay.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011♥
i don't wanna hold it in anymore.
i don't wanna be strong anymore.
if you hadn't realise, i'm a girl.
what did i do to deserve such thingy?
and i'm utterly disappointed in you.
you chose to walk away instead of asking me.
i don't wanna face you ever again.
this time round, it's me giving up the friendship.
you left me crying like an idiot today.
the feeling sucked.
telling people i'm okay, i'm alright, no worries
when behind the computer screen, i'm crying so badly.
i'm not okay, i'm really not.
but i just wanna end all these.
it's affecting me a whole big deal.
but i'm exhausted.
so i choose to leave.
let me be the coward, once.
i don't wanna face you anymore.
like i've said, let's remain as acquaintances.
i'm really disappointed in you.
but most important, i'm the biggest disappointment to myself.
p.s don't ask me about this, i'll probably walk away.
Labels: goodbyes
smile with me at 10:06:00 PM
just the way you are
Thursday, April 14, 2011♥

i just wanna say
i love you guys.
each and every one of you is irreplaceable in my heart.
i'll always remember you guys and love you guys just the way you are (:
i look forward to see all your faces again.
till then, study hard & take care!
Labels: left right left
smile with me at 3:27:00 AM
last weekend was a ._.
both days were occupied by the "annual" tomb sweeping. ):
Saturday : woke up at 7am.
Sunday : woke up at 4am. :O
On Sunday, we even went to a relative's house after tomb sweeping.
Was soo frigging tired that i fell asleep there :X
but the food & bandung there was (y)
Back track a bit, on Saturday, after the "activity-of-the-day", we went to Bishan to have our breakfast & shopping. Didn't get what we want and went down to plaza sing. HOHOHO.
got this HUGE & SUPER BRIGHT torchlight for $29. (y)
it's really super good & damn suitable for "tomb-sweeping purposes" LOL.
Went home, had a nap and went down to Singapore Expo for ........
the John Little Sales!!!!
those that went, GOOD FOR YOU~
those that didn't... oh well. there's always another sale (:
Mummaye, sister & I spent a total of $296 (after discount) there. WOAHHHH~~
shall show you guys what I bought (:
minus the stuff that i can't show you guys of course. :X

Za concealer!
after discount : ~$7 each!
Usual Price: $13? (+/-)
so i bought 2 tubes! (hopefully can last till the next sale? LOL)
*sorry to put different brands side by side*
Maybelline Pure Pact Mineral Foundation! :D
after discount : ~ $9-10 (or cheaper)
usual price : $12?
(got to check out the price again BUT definitely cheaper at the sale!)
only bought 1 because i might be changing my brand of foundation :X

okay! enough of make-up.
now to my best buy of the day~~~~~~ tadaa~

wahh. ATAS name siotzxzx (y)

just trying to show off the uses of this pillow
but i guess most pillows have these uses too :X

Now for the price difference....
Original price : $89.90
guess what's the discounted price?

FRIGGING $29.90!!!!!
okay, this pillow clearly showed the kiasu side of me.
i shall share the story here.
i was browsing through the food section when suddenly, there's this voice that came out of the PA system.
i wasn't really paying attention because i usually would ignore such announcement.
then blah blah blah.
heard words like "hourly special" and stuff.
didn't really bother because i thought the items were those things that i'm not interested in.
then the magic word appear...
*memory pillow original price $89.90. now selling at only $29.90 with a further 20% discount*
i've always wanted a memory pillow but didn't get one because they are usually very expensive if you realise.
e.g. Jean Perry's memory pillow are usually selling at $129 ):
i walked/ran over to the place and saw that the pillows looked kinda decent and after thinking for 1-2 minutes (as usual) i GRABBED one. LOL.
took out my phone to call my sister and mummaye who were also in the hall but as the place was too big, i didn't want to waste time to walk around & find them.
grabbed another one for my sister and went to find them.
but bought one only in the end because Jean Perry's memory pillow was also selling at ~ $29.
i was comparing both and chose the one that i grabbed first because Jean Perry's pillow's shape wasn't really to my liking. too round ):
but anyway, was really proud of this BEST BUY OF THE DAY! :D
sleeping on it everyday and really, within seconds POP fall asleep~ :D

Side-track a little.
there was also a MPH sale at Hall.... 6?
Looked through the whole hall and only found this book that caught my eye.
as you guys can see, it's the same author as PS. I Love You (y)
I bought PS. I Love You too and i loveeeeeeee that book (y)
so i reckon, this book is going to be just as awesome :D
haven't started reading this because i've got 2 books on hand to clear despite my schedule. :X

Last but not least, the facial products!
i forgot to mention,
one of the brand was having a 20% +20% offer!
or was it all the facial product brands?
forgot :X
sorry~ it doesn't matter anyway right. the sale ended.
oh, and i also bought an Adidas shorts there which i forgot to take a picture of it and i'm too lazy to do so now. :P
next time if there's sucha sale, no harm going down to take a look!
you might never know what you'll find there! :D
those who say that Expo is too far,
i just wanna say : THERE'S NTH SUCH AS "FAR" IN SINGAPORE!
jurong - Expo only 1 hour~~~ it's not like you need 1 day to travel right. :D
sorry for not updating for many many many days.
been busying preparing for a lot of things.
blah blah blah.
finally able to catch a breather nao but school is starting in another 4 days' time? ):
(not to mention that the timetable SUCKS)
whatever it is, i'm gonna take everything lightly.
not gonna show my emotions easily naoo.
control~ is the first step to success ^^
been playing maple nowadays.
(i heard people saying "no life")
SHUT UP. >:l
LOL. joking~
say whatever you want. it's not like i really care :D (y)
peace yo.
Labels: left right left, retarded moments
smile with me at 2:52:00 AM
Wednesday, April 06, 2011♥
i was wrong.
you're not childish.
you're worse than childish.
u're 20 this year?
please act like one.
no matter how you insult me on fb or blog,
i'm sorry
but i-don't-give-a-damn.
just don't put my name.
totally disgusted by your actions.
after so long, this is the first time i'm disliking someone to such extent.
i'm ready to read the next post of you scolding me.
smile with me at 12:33:00 AM
final goodbye?
Monday, April 04, 2011♥
looking through the fb page they've created,
i came to realise how much they have matured.
these few days, i've been wondering whether to leave or not
and my concern was the sec 2 squad.
but upon looking at the page, i know they are ready to stand on their on.
and i'm really proud of that.
from a squad who don't even know how to fall in, to a squad that will cry when they see their NCO doing push-ups.
i dare not say that i'm the one who taught them these
but i dare to say that i've been taking care of them behind-the-scene.
ensuring that their welfare and discipline is up there.
fighting so much for their welfare was never an easy task.
but i'm glad, my effort didnt go down the drain.
it's really time to leave i guess.
since there's nth much i can do already.
both the positive and negative aspects.
i can no longer do anything because i'm no longer needed in the unit.
after spending my past 5-6 years in npcc, i can't believe i'm finally leaving.
tears are forming.
i might regret in the future.
is this the final goodbye?
Labels: left right left
smile with me at 11:07:00 PM
save me before i lose myself.
Friday, April 01, 2011♥
getting hurt so many times,
i'm starting to lose faith in the word - friends.
Labels: f for friends
smile with me at 2:57:00 AM
be the reason for my smile.
i'm giving up on our friendship.
i've thought abt it for a long time.
i guess it's better for us not to be bounded by the word "friend".
things will be more relaxed since we're not friends.
10 years down the road, perhaps i'll regret.
but for now, i believe it's best we're not friends.
i don't wanna be hurt by your sudden hot-cold behavior :/
sorry for being selfish.
sorry for wanting to protect myself.
one day, i believe, we'll be friends once again.
and i'll always be waiting for that day (:
nope, the post above isn't for those childish people who love to scold me on fb, on blog.
i won't take back what i said.
you can't possibly blog & fb scold me then expect me to forgive you when you simply blame it on poor anger management.
i'm sorry, qy isn't such a person anymore.
and one thing i really don't like?
people apologise via blogging.
what's worse?
mentioning my name in the post.
been very angsty recently :/
but i shall remind myself that there are still tons of things out there for me to be happy about.
smile everyone (:
Labels: f for friends, thoughts
smile with me at 1:41:00 AM