Sunday, May 22, 2011♥
how i wish..
i go back to december all the time..
when everything were happy and simple.
i miss the old "us".
but things will never be the same again.
the last thing i can do for you is to
Labels: goodbyes, you(:
smile with me at 2:20:00 PM
Thursday, May 19, 2011♥

i don't wanna put my thoughts about us in words cuz i guess it will be a 10 pages thesis. LOL.
also, every thought stab me like a cold knife :/
i'm glad we're friends once again.
but i'm not glad we're friends once again.
the feeling will never be the same anymore.
i'm left with an imperfect smile.
first time i'm so affected by someone :/
don't ever assume that by leaving my life, you're protecting me.
because, whenever someone leaves, my heart builds one additional layer of wall.
to you.
我很不服气 也开始怀疑
shall continue this post another day, when i have the courage to think of you.
Labels: you(:
smile with me at 11:56:00 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 2011♥

something so awfully true,
so awfully painful.
crap. this blog post make me depressed ):
Labels: true feelings
smile with me at 2:23:00 AM
speak no word but pictures.
Thursday, May 12, 2011♥

Been posting VERY VERY lengthy & wordy post.
So today just a spam of meaningful pictures from tumblr.
credits to whoever is involved (:
A picture speaks a thousand words, so today i got 3000 words. WOOTZXZX.
Hope these pictures can get you thinking/reflecting.
blood donation today!
i hope the nurse can find my vein. LOL. :D
shall blog again tonight (hopefully)
smile with me at 9:17:00 AM
let's dance in the rain.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011♥
The weather had been really really really extremely bad nowadays.
It's so bad to the extent that whenever there's rain, i feel like doing a rain dance. LOL.
I hope that it's only because we're going into Summer time & not because of any other reason (please).
Whatever it is, just remember to protect Mother Earth. (in simple terms : BE ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY PEOPLE)
4 days since the polling day of GE 2011.
come on laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
get a life please?
if you claim to love Singapore, then stop creating trouble.
the result is final. that's it.
give them a chance.
so before you see the result of the effort put in by your MPs, DON'T JUDGE.
there's an article written by an "Aljunied resident" accusing PAP for taking revenge by not clearing up the rubbish at Aljunied because they lost the constituency.
this article was NOT supported by the majority of the other Aljunied residents that say that their area is still clean like the past.
Okay, my point here is NOT about whether the resident is lying or not.
my point is, if your area is not clean, then call the town council or go to WP for help la since they are your MPs?
everything also blame PAP a bit SUPER not fair right?
My views on GE 2011 results,
1. I'm glad that PAP still won majority of the seats
however, some of the seats were won by a very small margin. So they would really need to work very hard the next 5 years in order to win the votes back.
Although i support PAP, i feel that there is definitely still rooms for improvement. (y)
Overall, i think that they have done a very good job for the past 4 decades or more. :D
2. Congratulation to the WP for winning 6 seats in the parliament.
i always support the idea of having more opposition voices in the parliament.
However, i feel that PAP should still be the governing party.
Reason? They know Singapore best.
IMO, (i've said a million times) that a good government ought to have policies that benefits the nation's interests & the citizens' interests.
if we only have policies that serve the citizens, Singapore will not improve.
So to strike a balance, we must have a government that knows Singapore best & is willing to serve its citizens with some opposition voices to ensure that policies are well-made. :D
So hopefully, with the increase in opposition voices in the parliament, Singaporeans will stop complaining about how unfair policies are. :D
3. I'm truly truly upset for Mr George Yeo & his team for losing Aljunied GRC :/
to be honest, i cried when the result for Aljunied GRC released.
Although i'm not residing in Aljunied, nor do i belong to the Aljunied GRC, i've been reading up on all the information of Mr George Yeo & IMO, he's really a good MP/Minister that Singapore needs.
Those that don't believe what i say, can go and google his track records kay.
Anyway, whatever i say now won't change anything already because the result is out.
He will not be electing in Aljunied GRC for GE 2016 ):
because he think that the younger generation should be taking over the lead. (y)
all i can say is, all the best to him! :D
4. the Mr Yam Ah Mee's joke is a bit =.=
Is our sense of humor that low to the extent that we make a BIG joke out of a returning officer?
Not that i don't have a sense of humor & not that i don't think it's just a light-hearted joke but seriously, i think the joke is getting a bit =.=
with merchandise and products with his face, with a club/radio mix of his voice reporting the results?
Making fun of his voice, the way he speak etc. ?
oh wellzxzx.
Nothing to say. Just hope the joke will die down soon.
5. Ms Tin Pei Ling.
okay, i didn't really comment about her at all but since her haters are really getting louder and louder, i guess i'll say
"stop slamming her. give her a chance to prove herself in these 5 years. no point having campaigns to ask the government to remove her and what not. if after an election, you complain or campaign then they remove someone, we have election for what? Think rationally laaa. What's wrong with the Kate Spade photo & buying Kate Spade? (nothing's wrong) I understand that she isn't really performing well in interviews & stuff BUT that doesn't mean she cannot serve the residents well. let's give her a chance &&&&&&&& we'll see her "report card" in 5 years' time :D so till then, calm down! what for make yourself so angry over something that cannot be changed?"
6. last point yet the MOST important one
i think the last thing an election should caused is to have fellow Singaporeans having disputes with fellow Singaporeans.
We are all Singaporeans no matter what political ideology or political party we believe in.
Integration, not segregation. (y)
At the end of the day, we should come together & progress as a nation. (y)
this roughly sums up what i have to say for GE 2011.
This is the final post, i promise :D
For you haters out there, i'm sorry if you don't agree with what i say.
but please realise that everyone has different opinions.
So live & let live? :D
Labels: GE 2011
smile with me at 11:45:00 PM
i forgot a title.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011♥
i'm on the bus now, so i thought of blogging to kill time.
for those of you who don't understand chinese, don't mind my previous posts that are in chinese.
thought that chinese was the better language to express my feelings at that moment.
so here i am, back in english :D
i was very upset recently by people who dislike me for no apparent reason.
i didnt do anything to them (at all) and they just don't like me. i wonder why.
nonetheless, pw & dina spoke to me about it and yea, i'm feeling better already (:
i just wanna say, when i don't like you/something, i'll voice it out.
i don't really believe in solving problems by avoiding it.
so more often than not, i might appear to be really rude, bitchy and stuck up to you,
i totally apologize for that.
however, what i wish is that, if you don't like me, just say it out.
it will work 1000000 times better than stabbing my back.
i consider being way too outspoken as a flaw of mine
but i don't intend to change because i'd rather hurt you with truth than kill you with my lies.
trust me, when i start lying about how i feel towards you,
that's when i really don't bother about your existence in my life.
i don't give a shit to people like that.
similarly, when i scold you, that means u're at least someone to me. not some random strangers that i don't give a shit about.
despite saying this, i know that there are definitely people that fall in the category of judging me as self-centred, mean, bitchy, and someone who is demanding, and would always voice out her opinions.
but there will always be haters. i'm gonna accumulate good karma while u can accumulate all the bad karma. :D
have a good life yoo~ :D
Labels: f for friends, thoughts
smile with me at 11:36:00 AM
我很不服气 也开始怀疑
何时该前进 何时该放弃
放遗憾的美丽 停在这里
何时该前进 何时该放弃
放遗憾的美丽 停在这里
Labels: lyrics
smile with me at 11:28:00 AM
Monday, May 09, 2011♥
因为害怕失去温暖,所以才让自己冷漠和疏远。我总在别人面前 装出一副 ‘不在乎’, 好像和整个世界为敌的态度。
我宁可别人不要走进我的世界 也好过走进了才选择离开。
为了保护自己, 我选择在心里建设一道隐形的墙。
所以, 你的出现,改变了我。
我以为你会是那个让我一直一直微笑的人, 但,我错了。
尽管你以前所有的承诺, 你还是伤害了我。
如果无法实现你的承诺, 一开始就不要承诺。
但, 我还是要谢谢你给过我的每一段回忆。 (:
Labels: you(:
smile with me at 11:26:00 PM
不是不爱, 是不敢爱。
something that i've never been able to tell you.
Labels: you(:
smile with me at 12:20:00 AM
One last chance.
Friday, May 06, 2011♥
I'll probably just do this one last post on my thoughts about the GE 2011 because of some issues that i failed to address the previous longgggg post.
I know it's "cooling off" day but i'm not a PAP candidate, so under Parliamentary Elections Act, i'm allowed to express my view.
Website that tells it all:
This election isn't about "taking revenge" against the government.
It isn't about attacking them.
it isn't about quarreling / fighting with fellow Singaporeans, which party is better.
it isn't about forcing the government.
it isn't about degrading either party.
it isn't about humiliating the government.
Look, this is something that the government has achieved isn't it?
you can complain about high taxation, high GST, high cost of living.
but without all these HIGHs, we wouldn't be able to survive the economy downturn a few years back. We were one of the fastest country to get over the economy downturn.
of course, you can argue saying that "this is our money" but think, isn't this your country? so is it right to help your country?
Policies now are maintaining Singapore's revenue.
Do you really think that lowering the GST/Taxation/Cost of living will help Singapore?
The answer is no. Instead, it will make it harder for Singapore to survive another economy downfall.
You claim that you love & care for Singapore, each and everyone of you. And i do not doubt that. So isn't it fair now that you fork out money to help your country?
No doubt, cost of living is high, but i believe, without degrading/attacking our government, they will do something about it.
so can we please just give them another chance? on the account of all the good things that they have done for Singapore?
I'm not saying that the policies by the OP is not good, but what i'm saying here is that the government knows Singapore best and they know what Singapore needs. The policies made/proposed by the OP might not be that suitable and might affect Singapore.
We all want a stable and secure homeland. Policies should be made at not only the citizen's best interest, but also the nation's best interest. So think carefully, think wisely, are the policies proposed now, suitable?
Another issue that i feel upset is regarding the apology.
When PAP don't apologize, you guys say that they are ignorant, proud and blah blah blah.
when they apologize, you guys say that they are fake, they just wanna win the votes, blah blah blah.
Seriously? When you make a mistake, will you want the person to forgive you? Would you want the other person to say that your apology is fake? No right?
then why are we saying things like this to our government?
Don't tell me that they are only apologizing because they want to win your votes. Then what about those people who cried infront of the media or say that they are upset or whatever? Are you trying to say that they are fake too? No right?
I don't see the need for them to apologize for the floods =.=
i don't see the need for them to apologize for the escape of Mas Selamat. (it's the guard's fault)
BUT they apologize because they are the kind of leaders Singapore needs and by apologizing, they reflect themselves as TRUE leaders. A true leader is one that is able to apologize when the citizens are unhappy. they apologize because they are willing to take full responsible. this is the kind of leader that i want.
I want leaders that apologize when needed, listen to us and care about us AND the nation. not only the money issues or the citizen's issue. i want leaders that care about both the citizens and the nation.
Imagine, our government is our parents and now the children are all turning their backs against them because of a few mistakes. Do you betray your parents because of a few mistakes? Those of you who are parents yourself, would you wish that your children speak ill of you and never forgive your mistakes even after you apologise?
From the start till now, I've never once said that i disagree having opposition party voices in the parliament.
In fact, i agree that there ought to be opposition voices in the parliament to ensure that policies are of the best quality.
However, i don't agree that the opposition party should be there to force the government to step down. I don't agree that the opposition party should condemn PAP for the mistakes that they made.
I just wanna ask this one question. "Are they sure that they are able to do as well, or even BETTER than the government?"
I'm not doubting their abilities. In fact i think that there are really a few candidates in the opposition party that are really caring for Singapore. However, the way they took was way too extreme. I just hope that the opposition party can calm down, look at the good side of PAP and stop shooting their policies or mistakes..
there can be debates but it must be a healthy debate. not digging up each other's mistakes and shoot shoot shoot without coming up with a solution.
Can we, Singaporeans, give our government one last chance to prove themselves during these 5 years? Let us not condemn them now. Let's give them another chance to serve us, to prove that they are capable! I really want a secure and stable homeland and i'm sure PAP is able to live up to the promise because they have been doing so for the past 4 decades. Let us all unite as One Singapore to support PAP this time. To give them one more chance.
Live and let live.
Forgive and forget.
I'll be praying for wisdom in each and every Singaporean.
I'll be praying for Singapore's future.
I'll be praying for Aljunied's PAP candidate, Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Yeo.
I'll be praying for forgiveness.
Please vote wisely.
Labels: GE 2011
smile with me at 10:58:00 PM
the club can't even handle me right naoo
Thursday, May 05, 2011♥
when everything seems like a blur,
when everything seems like black & white,
remember, there's always something good to look forward to.
It's times like this that make me wonder what did i do to deserve such awesome friends.
Although i lose friends every now and then, those that stayed were my motivation to move on each time after every upset.
I'm slowly getting out of the pain.
So promise me, you (all) will be there, holding on to my hand when i fall again.

There are always haters in our lives.
(they are SUPER irritating aren't they?)
What is wrong with you?
Ugh, how i wish i can bitch slap you.
Tomorrow is Cooling Day.
I'm gonna urge all of you once again to take this chance to think carefully, choose wisely on the one you think can truly represent citizens in the parliament. (y)
The future of Singapore lies in each and every one of your hand.
Do not only look at the policies that they are saying now.
Look at their track records, who is more trustworthy in your eyes (:
Decide using your mind, not your emotions :D
Once again, i'm gonna say this.
I am NOT claiming that i know politics. Neither am i saying that any party is good/bad. Just a penny for my thoughts on this issue :D
Labels: f for friends, GE 2011, tumblr
smile with me at 10:48:00 PM
Ask, listen, ponder, understand.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011♥
This is going to be the most solemn & most chim blog i've ever blogged about.
- The Singapore General Election 2011.
The reason for this blog post is purely and simply due to the fact that i don't want to spam my twitter with all my thoughts about the GE. Furthermore, as you all know, twitter has a word limit and more often than not, i have to break up my thoughts into pieces.
(added on 5/5/11) Disclaimer: I don't mean i know politics. These are just my thoughts and views after reading and watching everything. So don't slam me with comments like "you know nuts about politics", "you don't know anything about life" or whatsoever since i didn't claim that i know politics. I don't know how politics and politicians work but this is just my humble opinion as a Singaporean. (y)
You may agree OR disagree with what i say but at the end of the day, my post is not to influence you. It's solely MY point of view without any influence from anyone too. So those who don't agree, or think that i'm being lame/ridiculous/retarded/etc, you can DON'T read it. (y)
Since the start of GE 2011, i have been following up closely on the news and updates of it. I watched online videos on rallies, speeches, forums and even look at facebook and twitter. Below, are all my thoughts and comments on everything that i have heard or read or watched for the past few weeks.
Come on, we've got to stop scolding one and another for their choice of party. You have the rights think that the opposition party is good, better or even the best BUT you DON'T have the rights to insult PAP or the supporters of PAP. I'm not saying this because i support PAP but because from all that i've gathered, the most frequent insults come from supporters of the opposition party. (i wonder why)
Worse still, you insult the other party. You can support whoever you want for all you care, but please bear this in mind, not everyone has the same thoughts as you. Just keep your insults and scoldings to yourself. Who has the right to say that someone else's choice is wrong? - nobody. It's all our views and opinions. Live & let live.
add on: just watched another video and was HORRIFIED to learn that people actually vandalise PAP's posters, vans and some of the posters were even stolen?! Are you serious? I mean, hey, where are your moral values? Do you really think that this is the right action to prove that the party you support is good? Do you really think your actions will benefit the party you support? Think with your mind/brain, not your emotions. Don't allow your emotions to overrule your actions. Like i've said, you can don't like a particular party but you do not insult nor damage their posters. that's the last thing you should do.
First of all, I belong to the youth generation and IMO, i think our government has done a FANTASTIC job. I don't mean that they are perfect because i don't believe in a perfect government. I think that it is very unfair to blame them for everything and anything. Stop blaming them that there are poor people. There are definitely people who will fall into the cracks. And at least the government is trying to do something about it. So instead of complaining, blaming, scolding, think of ways to help? Think in their shoes IF you were in their shoes, can you do a better job?
Secondly, i've been hearing complains and complains and complains about all the mistakes that the government had made all these years. Some of the most common topics are, Cost of living, Influx of FT, Housing, Transport, Money Issues (GST, Taxation, CPF, etc)
No doubt, the cost of living in Singapore is rather high. No doubt the cost of living is causing a lot of stress on Singaporeans. No doubt what some people are earning is not enough to earn a living. I'm not from a rich family either and i know how stress my parents can get when it comes to the cost of living. However, I would urge all of you to look around you. I see HDBs, Skyscraper, IRs, Upgrading program, Increase of MRT network. As our standard of living increase, our cost of living had to increase it. our standard of living and our cost of living are directly proportionate. Instead of just sitting back and look at how Singaporeans struggle with the high cost of living, they come up with policies to help ease the burden (though not totally removing it). Just take this year as an example, the 'Grow & Share' package has definitely benefited most families. The amount might not be ALOT, but it's enough. This is the result of the effort put in by our government and the citizens. So if we continue to work hard and do our part as citizens, supporting our government, i believe more of such policies are coming our way. (y)
I'm not saying that the opposition party cannot deliver similar policies or what. i'm just saying, i totally appreciate the effort that the government had put in for the past decades and i recognize their hardwork and believe that given the chance to win the election this time, they will do their best for us, Singaporeans just like how they did for the past. I do agree that there should be opposition voices in the parliament but it should not be used to attack policies made by the government. There should not be segregation after GE in the parliament. Instead, they should work together, look at each other's view point and come up with policies that will best help Singapore.
Next, influx of FT/FW.
There has been a lot of complains that the FTs are snatching our jobs. To a certain/minimal extent, this sentence is true. It's a fact that FTs are doing jobs that could have been jobs of Singaporeans if they did not come to Singapore. However, let's think of it this way. The most eligible candidate wins. Just like how election, you choose the most eligible party that can work at your best interest, companies do so too. So the only way to get the job is to study hard, work hard. Meritocracy. heard of? I believe most people have heard of this term during your Social Studies in Secondary School. You deserve as per the amount you put in. Having said this, i do not agree that they are "snatching" our jobs. Look at it as a fair competition i guess. We do have Singaporeans going overseas to work too. Such competition will ensure that we work our very best at any time.
Let's move our attention to the FW. We often blame them for the traffic congestion and what not. We blame them for all sorts of things and i even read comments that blame them for snatching jobs of aunties and uncles. Look at the harsh truth will we? I see FWs working under scorching hot sun to build our HDBs, our IRs, our MRT tracks. Are you sure we have enough Singaporeans that are willing to do that job at a minimal pay? I personally do not think so. We need to help of them to build all our infrastructures. So let's bear with the traffic congestion for the time being.
Money Issues. This was certainly the HOTTEST topic of GE 2011. The most frequent sentence i hear in rallies is "Where is our money?". I'm not making this up, go and listen and watch the videos. Oh, regarding the rumor that the GST is going to increase to 10%, let me give you this piece of information that i've received after watching the videos. THERE WILL NOT BE AN INCREASE IN OUR GST FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT 5 YEARS. so stop scolding the government for the rumor. it's not true and it's assured by our PM. So okay, one issue done.
you say our GST is too high, but may i ask what about the GST in all the other developed countries? Don't tell me things like "let's not compare with other countries" because let me ask you, why are you complaining that it's too high? aren't you comparing it with something else too?
Next, CPF. Do you really think that someone would be so happy to keep your money longer? Imagine the horrible consequences if we are allowed to withdraw our CPF earlier. I've compared several websites and found out that the life expectancy of an average Singaporean is about 81-82. State an example, if we are allowed to withdraw our CPF at age 60, and he / she decides to spend it on something or gamble everything away, what is he / she going to use to survive for the next 10-20 years or so? Most of you will say "Ask government to support la. They are suppose to take care of us ma" or some of you will say "he/she spend away his/her money their problem la." This is where some of us will expect the government to take care of this issue. so instead of finding a solution when such thing happen, might as well prevent it? "Prevention is better than cure" heard of it? (:
What i'm trying to say is, there are always 2 sides to a coin. It really depends on how we look at the issue and whether we are willing to look beyond the issue and look at the effort that they have put in. Just to clarify, all these paragraphs are just my personal views, thoughts and feelings about what i've read recently. I do not represent the wishes and views of any party. So don't attack me by saying that i'm blindly following/supporting a particular party. I based my judgment purely on what i see, hear, read and understand. (:
I'm not here to influence your votes nor to tell you which party is good, which party is bad. In my opinion, as long as a party works for Singapore's best interest, it is not a bad party. The purpose of this post is to let you realize that there are ALWAYS 2 sides to a coin. As voters, all you can do is to really go and read up / watch all their rallies (both parties) and choose the one that can truly TRULY represent your voice in the parliament. Choose the one that knows Singapore best and has the best policies offered for Singapore. Never NEVER choose a party based on how they degrade the other party / complain about the policies made and not come up with a policy that can REALLY solve the problem. I am not saying that the opposition party should not be involved in policy making. Instead, i do agree that there should be a voice from the opposition party in the parliament. this will ensure in the best policy made in our best interest.
Stop expecting the government to be perfect. No human is perfect. We make mistakes at times. The most important thing is to apologise after a mistake had been made and never make the same mistake again. It takes great courage to apologise to the public and admit your mistakes. So do not take our government for granted. We can "troubleshoot" or have our views or express our unhappiness about certain policies BUT always remember to first, appreciate what we have and what Singapore has achieved over the past decades before looking at the negative side. Life will be so much better this way. Weigh the pros and cons before making a comment or a decision.
Another view of mine, do not expect your MPs to go to your doorstep every other day when there's thousands and thousands of people in your constituency. Do not judge the amount of effort put in by your MP just by the amount of time he/she spends in visiting your doorstep. It's kinda "disturbing" when people complain about anything and everything. Your MP come and visit you, you complain saying that they disturb you. They don't visit you so frequently (but they do have the Meet-the-People session), and only visit you during election period, you say they are only doing the house-to-house visit because got election. A bit hard to please aye? This does not apply to the PAP only, this happens to the opposition parties too i believe. If you really want your MP to listen to your concerns, go to them and i believe they would be more than willing to help you. Meet-the-People session is one of the way to get your concerns heard. Then again, most people will say that Meet-the-People session is very troublesome. So yea, it's really hard to please you i guess. *sigh*
Most importantly, respect others' decisions as much as you respect yours. Do not get involved in immature acts like insulting the names of a particular politician/the name of the party or what so ever. Say facts about what you don't like about a particular party. Facts & ONLY facts. Not irrational thoughts and feelings. Do not let your angst affect your decision. Cool down, analyse. Not only listen to the arguments. Instead, look at the policies they offer (if any) and see if it will truly fit Singapore/Singaporeans, whether will it be an effective policy or whether it will result in more harm than benefits or vice versa.
DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT, condemn each other for our choices. WE are Singaporeans. No matter what party you support, we're still coming together as a nation (:
I've said my piece on MY views for the upcoming election. I do not represent the voices of any party and this is not a post to degrade any party. This post is solely for me to express my views. You can agree, you can disagree. At the end of the day, the message i'm trying to get across is,
[ Get rid of all the angst in you and vote wisely. Choose the best voice you think can represent not only your Constituency but also Singapore in the Parliament. Think of what you truly want for the next 5 years and what Singapore really needs for the next 5 years. ]
4 words for all voters : Ask, Listen, Ponder, Understand.
I appreciate everything that the government has done to make Singapore a better place. I'm thankful to live in Singapore despite some problems here and there but like i've said, no country is perfect. Appreciate what we have. Together, we can build a better future together (: I'm a proud Singaporean :D
On 4/5/11, PM Lee was on facebook to chat with Singaporeans about the hot topics for this election. Although not all questions were answered, I could see the effort put in to try to address the concerns. I believe that every single comment made by us was read by them and information were gathered to aid the government in coming up with better policies for us :D Anyone who want to know more about the facebook chat thingy, feel free to ask me or to visit to read the issues raised and some of the responses PM Lee gave. :D
last of all, do not insult me based on what i've posted for i DID NOT insult any party in my post. (:
this is probably the longest post i've done. - 2428 words (y)
Labels: GE 2011
smile with me at 9:55:00 PM
Monday, May 02, 2011♥

and this is exactly how i'm feeling now,
Labels: strangers again, tumblr, unhappy memories
smile with me at 5:07:00 AM
you weren't here today.
Sunday, May 01, 2011♥

my heart hurts so badly each time i'm reminded of you or anything related to you.
it hurts so badly that i'm starting to doubt if i'm ever gonna step out of the pain.
you are the reflection of a failed friendship.
a wound in my heart that will never heal.
Labels: strangers again, tumblr
smile with me at 3:36:00 AM
and you weren't there during my saddest moment.
i hate how things are falling apart in my life.
even my heart is falling apart.
Labels: unhappy memories
smile with me at 3:27:00 AM